Chapter Twenty Two- Surprise

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Some people believed in them, some didn't. But I bet everyone at some point in their life, wished for a miracle. I did countless times. I hoped and prayed they would come true, but I realized at a young age it was better not to expect anything. When you expect something people will let you down and you will get hurt, so it was better to not expect anything. Therefore, when they let you down you won't be hurt. That's what I did and doing that made this feeling in my heart a million times better.

I was a Mom.

I seriously couldn't believe it.

My entire life, I dreamed of having a better life and not only a better life, but for my kids to have one too. I wanted my kids to know they were loved no matter what, I wanted them to have two caring parents. I wanted them to grow up strong and happy and loving their parents, unlike I did with mine. I wanted them to have a childhood that they wouldn't have to overcome or a childhood they would have to look back on and say, "my kids will never grow up that like. I will not become my parents." I was way too familiar with that strong feeling. That was why I made that promise to myself, to give my kids a wonderful and happy life.

I tucked Copeland into her bassinet as Kellin placed JR in his.

I leaned down and kissed Copeland softly on the forehead, "I promise, sweetheart." I told her.
It was three AM and I was rocking JR in a wooden rocking chair Kellin had made for me, I was  hoping JR would go to sleep soon so I could sleep as well. Copeland woke me up at one AM, but Kellin said he would get her, for me to back to sleep and get some rest.

How lucky was I?

"You want me to.. to get him?", Kellin asked in an extremely groggy voice.

I smiled, "No it's okay, go back to sleep. He's almost asleep anyways."

Kellin kissed me on top of the head and sat down on the couch. I rolled my eyes playfully at him, stubborn as always. I just hoped our kids weren't as stubborn as he was. I looked at JR, who was trying to fight off the sleep, as was his father, but within minutes they both were asleep.

I smiled at them. Like father like son, huh?


4:19AM the clock read.

I yawned, still hearing the noise. I got up and headed towards Copeland's room, when I noticed that the noise was not coming from her room. It wasn't coming from JR's room either. In fact, they were both fast asleep thankfully.

But what is that noise? I thought it was coming from the kitchen, but it wasn't. I began to feel annoyed, I was tired. So so tired. I needed sleep. My bed. Ahh, my bed sounded so nice right now.
Curl up in my bed and cuddle up to Kellin..

The beeping noise interrupted my thoughts. I groaned, seriously what was that noise?

Answering machine. Duh.

With a yawn, I headed towards the living room. The noise got louder, I immediately pressed play. I closed my eyes, figuring it was from Gabe or Jack and Justin or maybe even Nick, who were all crazily supportive of me and Kellin and helping me. I swear I could rob a bank and they all four would volunteer to be my alibi and help cover my tracks.

"You've reached Hope and Kellin, we are unable to take your call but leave a message and we'll get back to you. Peace!" I smiled at Kellin's voice on the answering machine.

"Hey Hope! When will you learn you can't run away forever? I figured you would be smarter, guess not. Don't worry, honey, we'll be seeing you and our grand babies real soon."

I was wide awake now. How did Austin and Mom know about JR and Copeland? I felt anger hit me, they could mess with me all they wanted, but not with my kids. Wait.

How did they get my number? How did they know where we live? Kellin and I moved to a whole different state and Kellin changed his cell phone number just in case. Every sickening memory suddenly entered my mind and I couldn't stop them. I tried to block them out, but they came back stronger than ever. I fell to the floor, tears flooding my eyes.

"Hope? Are you okay?", a concerned Kellin comforted me.

"Th.. T.." my tears stopped me from speaking.

Kellin cupped my face into his hands and stared into my eyes.

God, what was I thinking? What was I thinking ruining such an incredible man's life? What was I thinking starting a family? Putting Kellin, Nick, Gabe, Jack, and Justin in danger? And JR and Copeland.. The danger I put them in. My entire life I aimed to do better than my Mom, yet here I was putting my kids lives in danger. What was I thinking? Was I even thinking at all?

"Hope, breathe for me, okay? Just breathe for me and everything will be fine. I promise."

Kellin wiped my tears away and waited for me to talk to him. I was too scared to talk.

I finally managed to say, "K.. Kellin, they're back."

Then I buried myself in Kellin's warm chest as he tensely comforted me.


I hope you guys enjoy this! Thank you all for reading, it means a lot to me!

I have some family problems going on so I'm not sure when exactly I'll update again, but I will update as soon as I can. The next chapter will probably come in two weeks or so, not really sure but like I said, I'll update as soon as I get the chance.

Don't forget to vote and comment, please. (:

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