Chapter Twenty- In Your Arms at Last

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I slapped Josh in the face then took off running. Josh was so dumbfounded by me slapping him, I was able to make it all the way from the basement to the living room, which isn't exactly miles away but it was me versus a guy who not only does track but plays football and basketball. Plus I can't blame the guy for being so shocked, this was the first since I arrived here that I actually defended myself. It felt so satisfying, like wow I actually did that and it felt so great, like ha-ha that's what you get. As if something had been lifted off of my shoulders. I felt a smirk tug at my lips and allowed it, which earned Austin's attention.

"What are you smirking for?"

"No reason."

"Well, wipe that stupid smile off of your face."

I attempted to do so, still feeling a small ounce of adrenaline in my body.

Austin smacked me across the face, "Thought I'd help you."

This time, he was the one smirking. The slap burned my cheek more than I thought it would.

Josh pushed past me and gave me the I'll-get-you-back look, and I suddenly shivered in fear, my adrenaline vaporizing.

I heard the phone ring and watched as Austin eagerly answered it, as he stepped outside. That was definitely peculiar.
Austin hated talking on the phone and would rarely do it. I easily brushed it off and had a seat on the floral couch, I could overhear Mom and Josh talking so I allowed myself to eavesdrop.

"Here let me help.", Josh offered, I heard water running and dishes being moved so Mom was probably doing dishes, which was odd because I always had to do them.

"Thank you, Josh."

"You're welcome, Mrs. Reynolds"

I shook my head in disgust, thankful that I was able to at least have Mom's last name. I would have died if Austin made me have his last name, when him and Mom married.

"Please, just call me Lynn, okay?"

"Okay, Lynn"

"It's so nice to have someone to talk to and that will help out with chores."

"Hope doesn't talk or anything?"

"When she talks, it's just to be a brat and when she does do her chores, they are half done. I really don't know where I went wrong with her."

I bit my lip wondering the same thing, where did everything go wrong? Was it when Uncle JR died? Or when Mom brought Austin home? Was it when Mom first hit me? Or gave up on me? Maybe everything went downhill, when Austin turned out to be a huge abusive jerk and Mom refused to leave him. Or maybe it was all the above. First one thing happens then the next, and bam it all goes downhill. But that was the thing about life, when you make a choice it changes your life in all kinds of different ways. I faintly heard the front door open, so I slowly pulled myself away from my thoughts.

"Hope, I want you to make fifty packages of raver now. I also need three packages of dope and a package of coke. I want it to be perfect and if one thing is messed up, you will pay for it. Understand?", Austin demanded.




"Much better. Now get to work and do not mess anything up."

I walked back to the basement and began to work, putting the drug in the packages. I worked endlessly until all fifty packages were complete, then I fell asleep and for the first time in years I was able to sleep all through the night.

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