Chapter Seventeen-Gone (HOPES POV)

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Maybe it was because I wanted to be with Kellin and the guys.

Maybe it was because I couldn't build up enough courage.

Or maybe it was because I was terrified.

Whatever reason, I found myself standing backstage watching my best friends perform one of their best shows. Right now I pictured myself on a bus, far far away from here. I felt guilty for being here, what if Austin and Mom find me here? Not only am I basically going without a fight, I'm risking Kellin, Nick, Gabe, Jack, and Justin's life.
I heard Kellin ask how the crowd if they were having a good time, and I tried to bring my attention back to him but I failed.

With a frustrated sigh, I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. I was safe for now. I could tough it out. Suddenly a sickening nauseous feeling hit me hard. I raced to the bathroom as fast as I could. Every vile memory spun through my head, making me feel even more sick and soon I felt like I could pass out. I splashed some cold water on my face then took a few sips of water, which was a mistake because it made me vomit. However I would prefer to puke, than to have the puking feeling forever. That would just be torturous. I began walking out of the bathroom, when a horrible feeling entered my body. What was going on? Why was I suddenly so sick? I shut the bathroom door, when I felt arms go around my waist. I yelled but was the point? Who cares if someone is screaming at a concert? I kicked and even attempted to bite their arm but it was useless. I wasted time not doing anything  and now I'm being punished for it.


My eyes slowly began to open forgetting what took place only hours ago, I expected to see Kellin beside me. Instead it was Austin.

"Well look who is awake thought you could leave, did you?"

"I did leave.", I spat out angrily.

"But not for long. You know, I was shocked to see they still wanted something to do with you after knowing you were in jail. People should be more careful about who they trust, shouldn't they?"

"Yeah they should right, Mom?"

I remember when Mom and Austin first began dating, I told her to stop and that he couldn't be trusted. She couldn't just trust a random guy she met in a bar, but she did and look what happened because of it.

The woman I loved and trusted the woman I called Mom, striked my face with her cold hand, which of course earned a chuckle from Austin. I wanted to kick and slap back, but the ropes tied to my hands and feet stopped me. Cowards I thought to myself, my adrenaline accelerating faster and faster by the second. I kicked and kept moving around, trying to get free. Assholes. Why couldn't they just leave me alone? Why kidnap me? Why did Austin have to tell Kellin about my past? Why did they have to make my whole life so unbearable? What did I do to deserve this? I would hate for anyone to endure what I'm going through, but why me? Why?

"Stop moving!", Austin demanded.

"NO! NO!", I screamed, probably louder than the girls at the concert last night.

"DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!", Austin yelled just as loud as I did, as he hit me in the face. Typically I would dwell on the pain, but this time was different. I screamed more and more and kept moving. They could hurt me all they wanted to, but this time I refused to go down without a fight.  

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