Chapter 3

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(y/n) POV

I was on my way to 4th period and I stopped right outside the door and looked up at the white board on the wall beside the entrance it read

-Physical Education Week-
Come show your spirit for PE this week everyone!

•Tuesday-Fitness Day
•Friday-Free Day

I looked away from the bored and walked in the gym. The smell of dirty socks and sweat intoxicated my nose and I groaned as I walked into the girls locker room to get changed.


Me Olsen, our PE teacher, stepped in front of us her hands on her hips. "Alright girls, I want to see you in good shape today, we can get through fitness week without any minor hiccups in the way. Are we clear ladies?" We all nodded in unison as she blew the whistle and we went on our teams. There were two teams, the popular team, and the not so popular team. And like always I was placed on the not so popular team. "Alright girls, last person standing wins, and GO!" She blew the whistle and all the girls hustled for the balls in the middle. I quickly grabbed a ball and scurried back to our side. The girls were like wild animals, hunting down there prey. It was furious out there. Soon one by one my teammates were gone, and also one by one the teammates on the popular side were gone. Soon the only ones remaining were me and a girl named Kelly, and on the other side was only Kaylee. She smirked and batted her eyes all evil like and chucked a ball towards us. I ducked out of the way, but my action caused the dodgeball to hit Kelly in the gut and knock her down. It was now only me and Kaylee. Her team cheered her on, as my team was dead silent. Kaylee grabbed a dodgeball that slided right by her feet and said, "Any last words loser?" I growled and picked up a dodgeball, "bite me" she gasped and turned red as she threw the dodgeball, it was going to defiantly hit me in the face, I put my dodgeball up to my face, and I felt something fly off it, it was her dodgeball. I smiled and threw mine at her, I caught her completely of guard and it hit her square in the face knocking her down. My team and her team looked at me in shock, then my team started to cheer for me and roar like lions. I couldn't help but smile as also the teacher began to applaud for me.

-Kaylees POV-

That little bitch! Thinking she can beat me! Oh she is so full of herself, I'll teach her a lesson later after school, it will teach the little whore not to ever mess with me again!

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