Chapter 11 -Where did we leave off last dear~

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-narrator POV-

(y/n) was already awake,

It was a uneventful day

There were clouds scouring the Sky

Mist and rain started to come down from the heavens and cleanse the sidewalks

It was utterly...

(y/n) was inside examining the two roses she had been given,

The pretty black one,

And the pink one... Although I hate pink it seems rather sweet to get another rose besides the black one

But the bad thing about that pink rose was that Wilfrord gave it to me.. I know what his intentions are now, but still. I couldn't forget about that kiss...

He's insane

But so is Dark.

I can't stop thinking about both of them!

I need to do something about Wilford, I cannot fall for his petty tricks.

Then again, where they tricks or was it real?

Even with my high level of knowledge I can't think straight.

I groaned and tugged a bit at my hair before hearing a dark chuckle.

"Can't stop thinking about me can you?~"

I turned around to see Wilfrord. He was leaning against my door frame and looked so mesmerizing.


I growled and walked over to him.

"What the hell do you want?" I barked.

He smirked as he gently said,

"You seem to be plagued by thoughts, I just thought I would come and see if my darling (y/n) was alright~"

My cheeks turned a bright pink as I shook my head

"Don't play games with me Wilfrord!"

I growled. He smirked as he grabbed my chin and looked down at my eyes.

"Your so sexy when you're angry, it really turns me on~"

He said in a husky and very sexy voice.

My cheeks were as red as a cherry I laughed a bit nervously

"Don't play games with my Wilfrord."

He chuckled as his lips brushed my ear slightly

"I'm not playing any kind of game with you (y/n)~ you merely make me filled with lust every time I lay eyes on you. Your truly beautiful dear~"

I looked away from his eyes my blush growing rapidly.

"I want you (y/n), join my experiment, this static unchanging world doesn't suit you, you were made for better then this."

He lifted my head and made sure I looked right into his eyes.

"We can change the world back to what it should be~"

He then forcefully leaned in and planted his lips upon mine. My eyes were wide.

What do I do? I need to think of something, my eyes then became dark.

-no ones POV-

The girls eyes became dark as she smirked into the kiss and closed her eyes, replying to Wilfords kiss.

The quickly released as
(Y/n) chuckled darkly.

"I would love to kill you~ so badly too~ but I need to fine out what your intentions are first dear"

Wilford laughed slightly before saying,

"I want you to join me, help me bring chaos and be with me~ from one psycho to another, we were brought to bring chaos~"

He then disappeared in his signature cloud of pink smoke.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened.

Now she knew what he would do if she tried to back out.

He would either kill her or brainwash her into loving him if she refused.

(y/n) was in a tough situation

~The Darkness~ (Darkiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now