Chapter 29 UPDATED

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Hours and hours gone by in a flash

But nothing is in her mind but the visuals of the past

Screaming, crying, blood, gore

All of those things seem to be knocking on her door

Never can (y/n) forget the cruel reality

Of possibly living with a demon king for the rest of eternity~

She doesn't know who she loves

Hell she doesn't even truly know what love is

Is it an empty emotion that fools humans?

Or is it merely a cruel illusion?

She can never answer these questions

She lives her life with uncertainty not knowing what the future will bring~

-(y/n) dream-

"Who do you love?"

I opened my eyes to see my mother holding out her hand to me

"Come child, fly with me only for a while and answer some questions of mine"

Without thinking I placed my palm on hers, and right then and there she ranked me up and started to fly with me in the air.

"Child, it's been ages since I have seen you last, not a day goes by that I don't cry for not being able to see my darling little girl."

She stroked my hair and looked into my (e/c) orbs.

"You have been through ups and downs throughout your life, getting by so easily, but this next task will take some thinking. Who do you love?"

"Honestly mom, I don't know. I love Dark, I love Lucifer, and strangely enough I love Wilford as well."

She seemed to be now flying closer to the ground

"Darling, I want to show you something."

The next second there was a flash of light and the scenery was changed, the earth was devastated, nothing but hell was on earth

"If you chose Lucifer this is what would happen, death and distruction."

The scene then changed one again, this time the world was blank except for one house

"This is the life with Wilford, just the two of you and no one else."

There was a flash but the scene didn't change

"Now truly (y/n),
What so you think the world would be like with you and Dark?"

"Honestly mother, i think it would be perfect."

And with those words said my mom fly up into the Sky and disappeared

"I'll see you again soon my child, now it is time for you to wake up and face the world!"

-End of dream-

I awoke suddenly in Lucifers arms taking him by surprise

"Oh your awake now."

I got out of his lap, and started to walk down the steps

"Where are you going?"

"Lucifer, I love you and all but I have to chose Dark."

He got up from his throne and quickly walked down the steps

"But (y/n)-"

I turned around and shook his shoulders

"No buts Lucifer, just learn to except it."

He growled and took my hands off of him there was then a big flash and I was back on earth

"Thanks Lucifer"

I then ran towards Marks house hoping that they would be there. I couldn't stop now, I needed to see them and see Dark and tell him that...

I love him.

I couldn't stop running, all that was on my mind was that I could tell Dark how I felt.

I kept running and running trying to find the house, when I finally caught sight of it.

I smiled as I ran as fast as I could over to the house, slowly the house was getting closer and closer.

I finally got to the door and kicked it open to see Dark drinking whiskey, he got up abruptly dropping the bottle and averting his gaze to me, we then proceeded to run to each other and embrace our selves in a hug,



"I love you."

He let go of the hug and looked me deep in the eyes and slowly leaned in to kiss me, before our lips met,

"Oh (y/n) if only there was someone out there who loved you."

He backed away from me being slowly engulfed by pink smoke, suddenly turning into Wilfred.

"You will never see Dark again."

~The Darkness~ (Darkiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now