Chapter 20 -The War Part 1-

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-Authors Point Of View-

Izaya later returned home that night and snuck back into the dark pitch black basement

He sighed in relief, Wilfrord had not noticed him being gone.

He went over to the staircase and his hand carefully grasped the light switch, with a movement of his hand the lights flickered on and there stood Wilfrord with an annoyed look on his face.

"And might I ask where were you Izaya?"

"I was just out."

He groaned and walked over to me, backing my straight up onto the wall

"How many GODAMN times have I told you no sneaking out! Vile creature!"

Izaya cringed as his eyes went black


His voice roared through the room an Wilfrord backed up a little bit.

Though he might have seemed strong and brave on the outside, he was pretty scared by what Izaya had just done.

"Anyways. I have come down here to ask you a favor."

Izayas temper calmed down a little bit and he sighed

"What would that favor might be?"

"I need you to kill Dark for me, with him out of the way I will finally get my full power, thus me finally defeating Mark and becoming the real identity"

I chuckled darkly as my wings came out of my back.

"You have such high hopes for something that might not ever go as you plan, what about the others? Theres demonplier lightiplier glitchiplier and many more!"

Wilfrord smirked slightly

"I took care of them all long ago, and for many years now I have been trying to defeat Dark but he is just too powerful, you are my most reliable person that can go and successfully kill Darkiplier without any minor hiccups."

Izaya looked to the ground and thought for a while, he then lifted his head and looked Wilfrord straight in the eyes.

"I'm not doing it, I know that once he is gone you will also try to kill the girl to am I correct? Besides I would never do that to her ever. Dark is there and he makes her truly happy. I'm not going to ruin her life by ending the person who matters to her."

Wilfrords eyes filled with hate.


Izaya growled as Wilfrord came over to him.

"If you won't listen to reason I will have to use it."

Izayas eyes widened as Wilfrord forcefully put a cloth over his mouth and nose.

(I know we haven't really even met before, but tell me does this rag smell like chloroform?)

Suddenly Izayas eyes became droopy as he fell into a deep sleep.

"Now I will make you do as I say, an by the end of the day you will kill Darkiplier, and I will finally have my power to defeat Mark.

I will be the god of a new world

I am justice"

-(y/n) POV-

Me and Dark were having a picnic over by my favorite creek and we were discussing one of our favorite movies.

"The joker was so badass in the dark knight"

"OMG yes! Fucking best movie ever!"

"What about the dark knight rises? Did you think Bane was also pretty badass"

"Hell yes he was what made that movie fucking awesome sauce!"

We started to laugh as we ate our sandwiches in the peaceful spring day.

"It's such a beautiful day today."

"Not as beautiful as you~"

I blushed slightly and giggled, then I heard some footsteps in the woods.

"Do you hear that?"

"Yeah I do what do you think it is?"

I then saw a figure come into view and a smile made it's way onto my features

"Hey Izaya!"

Izaya smile stretched from ear to ear as he held out his palm and a dark orb started to form

"I hate to interrupt this lovely picnic but I'm here to kill Dark."

The dark matter released from his palm and shot right at Dark and (y/n) and there was a big explosion

Then complete silence

-don't worry there not dead XD, btw if you can spot all 4 references (ones a movie, two are diffrent animes, and ones a song) you will get a shout out so everyone that gets them will get a shout out from yours truly! And this is the longest chapter I have ever written! Tell me do you guys like this amazing long chapter ? :3 well I gots to go love you all! -ShadowStar69-

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