Chapter 17

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One week left before Taehyung's highly anticipated birthday feast. A birthday feast that actually couldn't be defined as a birthday feast, more like a 'marrying-your-son-off-against-his-will'-feast.
Could you even call that a feast?

Jungkook was worried. He cared for Taehyung and his well-being, he knew how much this engagement would destroy him, no matter how much he tried to fight it. As much as he admired the prince's endurance and reluctance to accept the inevitable marriage, he knew it would come sooner or later.

He had grown to get used to Taehyung's presence so much he thought of him as one of his closest friends. Imagining his beautiful toffee-brown eyes widened in shock and pooling with tears of realization as he was forced to hold his arranged fiancée's hand brought an ugly, unpleasant feeling to his gut, something that he dared say felt like a painful punch.

In fact, he really felt the urge to punch something. What would happen when Taehyung and the eligible princess got married? The prince would not have the chance to spend time with him anymore, that was for sure and certain. And he really hated that.
Taehyung was the only thing that helped him endure the situation he was in, far away from home and all.

Millions of thoughts occupied his head while his hands scrubbed the purely golden plates and goblets clean, him and Jimin being on kitchen duty. There was more work than usual, since many servants were already occupied with preparations for the birthday party.

"Work faster!," someone hissed. Jungkook rolled his eyes, knowing that the harsh order was aimed at him. Surprisingly, it wasn't Jimin who scolded him. He knew the blonde had grown a soft spot for him throughout the last few weeks, and vice versa. Jimin didn't scold him at all anymore, unless it was necessary.

No, the one glaring him down and ordering him around was a kitchen maid called Choi Yujin, a girl who wasn't fond of him at all. Considering the fact that Jungkook didn't work as hard as the other servants since he wasn't even an actual servant, it wasn't surprising and only fair to him that the other servants tended to dislike him. But Yujin seemed to despise him on another level.

"I wonder," Yujin spoke out purposefully loud in an annoyed tone, flipping her braided hair aggressively. "Sometimes I wonder how some people even made it here. While others work diligently and with sincerity, certain people think it is okay to be lazy and undignified! And they get away with it!" She huffed.

Jungkook clicked his tongue, completely ignoring the fact that he was actually not supposed to talk to other servants unless it was mandatory (to avoid suspicion) and glaring at her. "You know, you can just say you have a problem with me, right in my face. Where are we, kindergarten?," he spoke through gritted teeth.

Yujin glared back angrily. "I'm not stupid," she uttered. "Every kitchen servant knows your Prince Taehyung's lapdog. I wake before dawn breaks every single day, when the sun has not even risen yet, and work, work and work! While you live complacently, not making any efforts and not even knowing what hard work is because our dearest crown prince grants you special privileges!" Her voice had turned into more of a scream towards the end, every servant listening quietly and wondering what the problem was.

For a moment, Jungkook didn't know what to say. "You don't know anything about me. I don't know where you get the idea of Tae-- His Majesty granting me special privileges from, but it's not true. He's the prince and I'm a servant, that's all there is to that."

She scoffed in annoyance. "Of course," she mocked. "So I suppose you being caught entering His Majesty's private library is absolutely nothing? There is nothing special about you whatsoever, I don't even see why he treats you so differently from the others. Then again, Prince Taehyung is known to be dim-witted and unprofessional."

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