Chores and first reincounter

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I woke up the next day, my power nap having turned into sleeping through the night. I yawned and stretched, feeling my back giving that relieving pop. I cringed as my feet touched the cold wooden floor, but made my way down the stairs to see if I could find anything for breakfast.

As soon as I entered the kitchen, a sweet, familiar aroma surrounded me. On the table was a plate with my favorite breakfast, chocolate chip pancakes with strawberries. The pancakes were in the shapes of hearts so that just made me even more suspicious. I looked around, looking for open windows or other signs of a break-in. When I found nothing, I sat down in front of the pancakes and hesitantly took a bite. The pancake was light and fluffy, and the sweetness wasn't overpowering. Within minutes, the breakfast was gone.

I looked around one last time to make sure there wasn't a home invader before I decided to get started on the chores. I knew the first order of business would be to take all of the plastic off of the furniture. It was like a treasure trove of all the furniture I ever wanted. Room after room was filled with furniture I've seen in my dreams, and this house seemed to become more familiar with each plastic pulled back.

After that was done, the plastic was thrown in a trash can outside, it was time to dust. I started with the lower things, the small tables, the lower shelves, and the wooden chair arms. By the time so that was done, it was 1:30, but I decided to finish the top shelves then I can call it a day.

I grabbed a ladder and carefully dusted the top shelves, the tops of cupboards, and the tops of paintings. I was almost done, and extremely tired, but I had one last painting to dust, the one above the fireplace.

I dragged the ladder over there, hoping the mantle wouldn't interfere too much. I gripped the duster and carefully started. I leaned forward just a little too much, and the ladder slipped out from under me.

I felt my breath catch in my throat as I plummeted to the ground, but felt strong, warm arms catch me before I likely broke a bone. I opened my eyes and was shocked at the electric blue iris that met mine.

"Are you alright dear?" A masculine voice flooded my ears, and all I could say was, "I'm sorry, but who are you?"

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