Hello again...

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"I'm sorry, but who are you?" I stared into the electric blue eye, that, as soon as I said that, filled with disappointment. "Ah, well, my name is Bill Cipher. I'm a demon that is tied to this house..." I nodded. He sighed, getting up and offering me a hand. I took it and he pulled me up.

I looked at the painting above the fireplace again, making a connection. "You're the guy in the painting!" Bill smiled, his brow pinching in sadness. "Yes, that's me..." I bounced on the balls of my feet slightly, excitement filling my veins. "Then who are the girls?"

Bill sighed again. "Well, the little girl is my daughter, Celestia, and the beautiful young woman is my wife. She passed away about 18 years ago..." I nodded, noticing the pained look on his face. "I'm sorry for your loss." Bill sighed, shaking his head. "It's fine."

I took another moment to think of another question to ask before it dawned on me. "Can you tell me about the mark on the back of her left hand? She and I have the same one." Bill smiled lightly. "I could tell you, but I don't think you're ready for that information." His response caught me off guard. "We'll now I have to know!" Bill chuckled and pat my head.

"Why don't I make you dinner?" I nodded my head, curious about what he could make. He smiled at me again. "Go take a shower, dinner will be ready by the time you get out." I rushed up the stairs, but as soon as the water hit my back, fatigue from the day's work started to settle in. I was more tired than I realized, but I stayed awake, not wanting to fall asleep in the shower.

After about twenty minutes, I got out of the shower. I brushed my hair and got dressed, then my stomach growled as the smell from the kitchen wafted up. I quickly opened the door but was stopped from going anywhere as a pair of arms wrapped around me.

"Mommy! It's so good to see you again!"
Picture above is y'all's daughter.

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