The witch

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"Bill, what are you doing here?"

I looked behind me to see an old lady. She had her hands in her hips and was glaring at Bill. Bill laughed awkwardly. "Charlotte, how are you! You look absolutely lovely!" The woman scoffed, then looked at me. "And who are you?" I smiled at her, not trusting her in the slightest. "I'm (y/n), Bill's soulmate."

Charlotte sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "I assume you're here for the Pythander?" Bill nodded. "I've lost her once to her mortality. I don't want to go through that again..." Charlotte nodded, sighing again.

"I can give you some, but I need you to do something for me." I nodded. "What is it?" She pointed a frail finger towards the base of a mountain not too far from where we were. "At the base of that mountain, there's a monster. It's been terrorizing the nearby civilization, burning the crops, taking the children. I need the two of you to get rid of it."

Bill sighed. "We'll get rid of it, just make sure you have that flower." Charlotte nodded. "Of course. I wish you luck."

Bill and I started on our way towards the mountain, Bill carrying me while he flew. I looked at him, slightly nervous about fighting a monster. "What kind of monster do you think it is?" Bill shrugged. "It could be a chimera of some sort. It might be another demon. Maybe it's even a dragon." I nodded, my anxiety continuing to grow.

Bill continued to talk to me to try and calm me down, but we soon made it to the base of the mountain. We hid behind a tree and saw the beast. Imagine a Minotaur, but instead of a bull, it was a Buffalo with eagle wings. He was holding a mace, his muscular arms flexing with each movement.

Around him, all the missing children played joyfully, asking him to join them.

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