The fourth dimension

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I looked over the page one more after I finished packing. We needed to go to dimensions 4, 632, 28, 4589, and finally 1099876. Why were there so many dimensions? I took a deep breath. We needed to get specific flora from each dimension in order for this spell to work.

I adjusted my backpack, then went downstairs to meet Bill. He stood there, saying goodbye to Celestia and our family. I smiled, hugging my gruncles, then Wendy and Soos, and finally Celestia, kissing the top of her head. "I love you, Celestia, you be good for your great gruncles ok?" She smiled at me. "I will mommy!"

Bill smiled at me and took my hand in his. "Are you ready, doll face?" I nodded, kissing his cheek. Bill smashed his fingers and opened a portal to the fourth dimension. We stepped through, and I wasn't prepared for what I saw.

The fourth dimension was vibrant, life was everywhere. Bill squeezed my hand three times, and I reciprocated. We started wandering around, and Bill made sure I was safe.

I looked down at the page again. "Ok, so the first plant we need is called pythander. It has a small red stem and a large green flower that makes it top-heavy. It can only be found on the tops of the highest mountains, where snow is abundant." Bill nodded and looked around. "So we just wander around until we find a really tall mountain." I nodded.

We walked in comfortable silence, but I had a question. "Hey, Bill?" He hummed in acknowledgment, waiting for me to continue. "What if, after the spell, I turn into something you don't like?" Bill looked at me and sighed. "It'll be fine (y/n). I'll love you no matter what you become." I nodded, relaxing slightly until I heard a voice behind us.

"Bill, what are you doing here?"

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