Fight for your lives

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Conversation with Mable and Dipper flowed easily after that. We were joking and laughing, waiting for Bill to return, and then we heard him shouting in the distance.

I looked over at him, he was obviously running from something. He held a large feather in one of his hands, and behind him was a massive bird with massive teeth.

"(Y/n), I can't open a portal! We have to get away from this thing first!" Bill grabbed my hand and started to pull me along. Mabel and Dipper flew beside us. I tried to keep calm as I asked Bill, "How do we get away from it?!" Bill looked at me with worry. "We don't! We have to fight it until we defeat it!"

Dipper looked at Bill exasperated. "Then why are we running?" Bill picked me up, trying to go faster. "To tire it out!" I nodded, and we ran for what felt like an eternity. I looked behind us to see the bird had stopped flying. It had landed out of exhaustion.

Bill put me down, summoning fire and getting ready to fight. He gave me a gun, and Dipper and Mable summoned their own weapons. I took a deep breath and aimed carefully. Once the bird was in my sights, I pulled the trigger. Once the bullet had hit its mark, everyone else started the fight.

The bird fought its hardest, but it was tired and outnumbered. The battle wasn't long. It collapsed to the ground, laughing. Everyone gathered around it, curious but cautious.

"I haven't had a challenge like that in so long. Thank you for that." The bird got up, and it was healed. "Take my feather and get out of here. Good luck on the rest of your quest." I sighed in relief as the bird flew away.

Bill pulled me into a hug. "We are almost there darling, just two more dimensions." I hugged him back, starting to feel slightly anxious about the whole thing.

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