The children

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I laughed as I watched Bill struggle with the children around him, playing a game of tag as he tried not to fly away or use his magic. I was sitting in the grass with some of the girls, braiding hair.

The Meagallo had left about an hour ago, and all we could do was wait for him. As I carefully finished another girl's hair Bill laid down in my lap, frustrated and tired of running. I giggled some more and he glared at me. "I can't do this much longer (y/n)..." I smiled down at him, suddenly having an idea. "Why don't you entertain them on your terms. Tell them a story with illusions like you used to do for me and Celestia." Bill nodded, a smile creeping on his face.

He stood up, clapping his hands. "Gather round children, and let me tell you a story!" The children sat in front of him, excitedly talking about what story he might tell. Bill quickly shushed them, letting blue fire turn ambiguous characters in the air. The children haired in excitement and waited for him to start.

"The story starts with a Princess, who had two horrible older siblings." The blue flames forced into a sad-looking princess, with a prince and a princess ignoring her despite her greatest attempts. "One day, the Royal children left their kingdom to visit their elders, who greeted them with warmth and kindness.

"The elders told the youngest princess to go explore the woods around them, and she gladly did. She sun came to a clearing in the forest, where she saw great potential for a castle of her own. In that clearing, she also found a monster encased in stone, left as nothing but a statue.

"The princess, feeling she had no one to turn to, told the monster statue of her troubles, crying on his stone skin as she cleaned him off vines and moss. Soon, the sun began to set, and the princess had to leave. She processed the statue she would return. Little did she know that her kindness and tears had set the monster free, and he had nasty plans for her.

"The princess came back, and the monster was waiting. He told her he could help her, but It woods come with a price. The princess was smart, and she figured out that the monster, who had fought her siblings the previous summer, only wanted to hurt them. Her kindness outweighed her sorrow, and she refused. The monster was furious, and he tried to hurt her. She ran home and told her siblings of the monster she released.

"Her siblings were furious and rejected her. They went home, leaving her with the elders after a confrontation with the monster. The princess cried for days, but the monster realized something. The princess was special to him, and he hurt her, so he needed to make it right.

"The monster feared he would never gain her trust again, but slowly, the princess learned to love the monster, and the monster wasn't a monster anymore, he was a creature that wanted to be loved, and to share his love.

"They built a castle together in the clearing where they first met, and they lived happily ever after." The children cheered as the blue fire disappeared. I smiled at Bill, knowing he left out She oats of our story, but that was fine.

The children were happy, and we could finally see the Meagallo on the horizon. He held three Pythander flowers in his hand.

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