Dimension 632

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We had finally made it to dimension 632, with my siblings in tow. The silence was awkward and thick, so Bill cleared his throat, grabbing everyone's attention. "Ok, so we need two things from this dimension. The seed of a tree called the Opliqel, and the blood of a beast called the Limmfi. (Y/n) and I will get the blood, here is a picture of the tree, good luck." Dipper nodded, taking the picture and motioning for Mable to follow him. Mable looked back at me, pursing her lips, but soon followed.

I grabbed Bill's hand, and he smiled at me. "Come on, I know a fairly friendly Limmfi that isn't too far from here." I nodded my head and looked around. This place was different from the fourth dimension. It was wispier, less solid. It was colorful, almost giving the illusion that everything was made of cotton Candy.

I looked around some more, not paying attention, and I slipped, nearly tumbling down a cliffside. Bill caught me and pulled me to his chest. "Careful love, while this place seems pleasant, you can seldom see the tiger hidden in the bushes." I nodded, taking a deep breath after that heart attack.

I stayed close to Bill, and he stared at me. "(Y/n), are you sure you're ok with your siblings joining us?" I sighed, biting my lip. "I don't know, honestly. I want to give them the benefit of the doubt, cause they're family and all that, and I loved them so much. But at the same time, they hurt me a lot, and I'm scared they'll do it again..." Bill sighed and ruffled my hair.

"Don't worry love. If they try to hurt you again, I'll be here for you. And who cares that they are your family, they hurt you." I nodded, kissing his cheek as a thank you. He suddenly stopped, and when I looked over him, I saw a large cave entrance.

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