Dimension 28

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We quickly made it to dimension 28. It was dark, I couldn't see a foot in front of me. Bill squeezed my hand and summoned some fire. "(Y/n), dear, this one is much too dangerous for you to come with me. I want you to stay with your siblings right here, and I'll be back as soon as possible." I frowned, but nodded and kissed his cheek. "Good luck, my love."

I watched as Bill disappeared into the darkness, then turned to my siblings' slightly glowing souls. Awkward tension filled the air until Mable broke it.

"Why did you decide to forgive us? We were so awful to you..." I took a deep breath, trying to find the appropriate words. "Well, Bill was awful to me too, and I didn't forgive him right away, he had to earn that, just as you will have to." Mable nodded, and the awkwardness returned. This time, I decided to break it.

"What made you change your minds about how you treated me?" Dipper sighed this time, floating lazily on his back. "Well, when we finished high school, there was a couple that no one expected. He had bullied her for as long as we could remember, but during senior year, he seemed to turn everything around, and the only person who seemed to forgive him was her. They both seemed so happy, and even got married, had children, and lived a happy life together.

"When we saw them years later, they were still so in love, and it made us think about you and Bill, but we thought you would never want to see us again." I smiled at them, and as silence filled the void we were in again, it wasn't so awkward.

"I would have been angry at you, yes, I still am, but if you had come, I would have forgiven you eventually." Mable smiled at me, then pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back, and Dipper soon joined. It felt good to finally have my siblings back, and they loved me too.

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