An encounter

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I smiled as the Meagallo handed me the Pythander flowers, taking them gently in my hands. "Thank you, this means a lot to me." The Meagallo smiled back at me, looking at the children. "Thank you. I wish you a long and happy life with your soulmate." Bill came up then and thanked the Meagallo as well.

We were soon on our way, heading to dimension 632. To get there though, we had to go across an interdimensional bridge. Bill had put the Pythander into a void pocket to keep safe and was holding my hand to make sure I didn't fall into the void between dimensions. All around us was galaxy aesthetic. I took it in and took a deep breath, then something whizzed by.

I looked over and saw a lot of wispy somethings floating around. Bill looked over and smiled. "Ah, it seems the soul migration has started." I looked at him, then back at the things, able to make out human shapes, some of them even looked entirely like when they were alive. "It's so pretty..." Bill smiled at me, then two souls seemed to break formation, coming towards us.

I stared at them and then froze as I started to recognize them. Bill pulled me into his arms, protecting me as Mable and Dipper came up to us. They were older, but I guess that was to be expected. They looked at me, and Mable came forward. "Hey (y/n), how are you?" She smiled timidly at me, and I sighed. "What do want Mable?" She looked at the ground in shame.

"We wanted to apologize." Dipper came forward, holding Mable's hand in comfort. I glared, not wanting to hear a word of it. "Why now, why not when we were both alive?" Mable sighed. "Because we knew the damage was done, and it had been years before we realized how wrong we were. Could you ever forgive us?" I frowned and looked at Bill. He smiled down at me. "I'll support you in whatever you say." I nodded and made my decision.

I looked at my siblings, a softer look on my face. "I can't ever forgive you, but, if you want, you can try and earn my trust back. You can go to the shack and explain it to the people already there, though they may not be so welcoming. Or you can come with us and help us collect items we need so I don't die anymore."

Dipper and Mable looked at each other and nodded. "We'll come with you."

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