Time to Reveal!

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"Mommy, it's so good to see you again!" I froze, not quite sure what to do with the little girl currently attached to my waist. She seemed to be about 15 years old, with white hair and blue eyes. She seemed so familiar, but I couldn't place it.

"Umm, you must be Celestia. Bill told me about you!" I hugged her back, choosing to ignore the 'mommy' part for now. She looked at me, sadness painted on her face. "I know daddy told me you might not remember me right away, but ouch..."

Tears started to pool in her eyes, and I quickly tried to calm her down. I tried to wipe away her tears, feeling slightly guilty, though I didn't know why. "Hey, calm down! I-it's ok! Um, can you tell what you mean though..." Celestia took a deep breath, and shook her head. "Daddy needs to be the one to tell you mommy..."

I nodded my head, and held her hand, feeling slightly protective of her. "Why don't we go down stays for dinner?" Celestia nodded her head Ave started to lead me down stairs. We soon reached the kitchen, and Bill was finishing putting dinner in the table.

Spaghetti was on the plates with water in the glasses next to them. Celestia was quick to the table, already digging into her spaghetti. I sat across from her, letting Bill take the head if the table. I looked towards Bill, who seemed content watching us. The spaghetti was just as good as the pancakes had been this morning.

After we finished eating, Celestia disappeared to her room, and Bill and I started the dishes. I looked at Bill, and decided to ask the question.

"Hey Bill?" Bill looked at me, humming in acknowledgment. "Celestia called me mommy. And she called you daddy. I know she's your daughter, but why would she call my mommy? Would have anything to do with the woman in the painting and the mark on my hand?" Bill sighed, placing down his sponge and looking at me.

"I guess it's better for you to find out sooner rather than later..." Bill looked me in the eyes, His filled with worry. "(Y/n), I know it's hard to believe, but you're the reincarnation of my wife. That mark on your hand connects us for eternity, and I've waited for what felt like forever for you to come back."

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