Fluffy tuesday

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I sighed as I basked in the warmth all around me, with Celestia on top of me and Bill cuddling into my side, as well as my gruncles sitting at the foot of the bed. I was the only one awake currently, and I didn't have the heart to move and wake them all up.

I laid there for a few more minutes, then Bill groaned and shifted a little. He opened his eye and looked at me, a gentle smile on his face. "Did you sleep well, my love?" I smiled back at him. "I slept amazing. Especially with all of you here." Bill leaned forward, placing a tender kiss on my cheek. "They should all wake up soon. I'll go make breakfast for us." I nodded and squeezed his hand three times.

He got up and went out the door, and I sighed and started to run my fingers through Celestia's hair, humming a lullaby. After a few more minutes, Celestia opened her eyes and yawned. "Good morning mommy." I smiled and kissed her head. "Good morning baby."

She stretched and got off of me, reaching for my hair before stopping. "In your previous life, you let me braid your hair all the time, could I now?" I smiled and sat up, making sure she had easy access to my (y/h/c) hair. She gently took it and started to make intricate braids, proof of many years of practice.

She was almost finished when gruncle Stan and Great uncle Ford woke up. They smiled at me, then went to go check on Bill and breakfast. I smiled, glad that I finally had this back. This sense of home and family was something I hadn't had in a long time. I hope this never ends...
Hi lovelies! I'm not dead, just severely depressed. Sorry for not posting on so long, I really feel bad about it. I hope to have chapters up on the other ones soon, but I'm back now. Please leave like and comments. It sheets brings a smile to my face whenever I see it. I hope you have a great day/night!

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