The Meagallo

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I heard Bill sigh, glaring over at the beast. "I knew there was a catch. That beast isn't malicious. It's entirely docile unless it's provoked. The reason it has all these children is that the adults of this dimension were never any good, so they ran away." I nodded, leaning towards him. "So what do we do?" Bill looked around, then up at the mountain.

"That mountain is tall enough to have the Pythander, we just need to ask the Meagallo to pass." I nodded, and we made our way down. The Meagallo was immediately aware of our presence and stood in front of the children to protect them.

Bill stood in front of me, bowing and holding his fist parallel to the ground next to his head. After a moment, the Meagallo followed suit, touching his fist to Bill's. After a moment, they stood up, and Bill began to speak to him. "Meagallo, we need to pass up into the mountain in order to obtain a very important flower, will you allow us?"

The Meagallo chuffed, looking Bill strait in the eyes. "Why do you need this flower." His voice was so deep I felt it in my chest, like a loud bass at a concert. Bill grabbed my hand and brought me forward. "This is (y/n), my soulmate. She is mortal, while I am immortal. This flower would allow us to make her immortal so I won't have to lose her ever again." The Meagallo nodded.

"I know what it is like to lose your soulmate. I haven't had the chance to find him for generations, so I will strike a deal with you." He looked towards the children, his grip loosening on his mace just slightly. "My soulmate loved children, and I promised I would protect them when they inevitably ran away, so I can't leave them, but the mountain is too dangerous for the two of you to traverse. I will go there and get you the flower if you will watch the children." I looked at Bill and nodded.

Bill looked back at the Meagallo, nodding his head. "We'll do it. Thank you for your help."

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