Chapter 1 Long Time Reminisce

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A long time ago, in a distant time of Keystone, the people of the island didn't have to worry about dark magic or shadows, there was no Order and everything was relatively at peace.
Until one day...
The sun begins to rise in the early morning, light peaks through the thick tree tops of the forest and you could the sun rising just over the fields. At the bottom of a grassy hill next to a cliff hanger of trees there's a small, little house made of cobblestone, wood, and hay. Puffs of white smoke can be seen coming out of the chimney, and inside that house a little boy wakes up. Earlier the other day he had promised he would meet up with a friend by the hill side, so he gets up and does his normal morning routine (although skipping his chores) and rushes out of the house to meet his friend.

Meanwhile by the hill side a small rabbit mouse looks up at the morning sky and then at the forest not to far away, she is in deep thought until she hears a loud voice calling her name.

???: Pilot! Pilot!
Pilot: Huh? Oh hey! You actually came this time Lucifer.
Lucifer: You didn't think I was gonna come?
Pilot: It was a fifty-fifty, anywho are you ready to see the thing I was gonna show you?
Lucifer: Yes..uh, what is it exactly that you wanted to show me?
Pilot: Follow me.

Little Pilot leads the way and guides Lucifer into the forest, they come here often to play but they never go to deep into the forest, however today would be different

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Little Pilot leads the way and guides Lucifer into the forest, they come here often to play but they never go to deep into the forest, however today would be different.
They walk along a dirt path for a little while, Lucifer looks around surveying the area, he's always a little scared that the forest animals might come out and scare him, especially that long weird monster with multiple faces, that was not a fun day for him. Especially when he got home, he was scolded for staying out way to late, however he didn't bother to tell his family as to why he came home so late. But there wouldn't be any of that today.
There would be something much worse actually.
Lucifer: Hey why are we stopping?
Pilot: Okay, so I need you to wait right here.
Lucifer: Wait? Right here? Now?
Pilot: Don't worry silly, you'll be fine, I need to go get something and I need you to wait here.
Lucifer: Your not gonna be gone for too long are you?
Pilot: Of course not, I'm not gonna leave you here.
Lucifer: o-Okay, ...
Pilot: Don't worry, It's gonna be a surprise.
Pilot leaps over a rock off the dirt road and rushes into the bushes, leaving Lucifer to just stand there waiting. He sits down and waits for Pilot to come back.
A few minutes pass by and he begins to wonder off into his own thoughts. Usually when Pilot brings him a surprise he ends up getting frightened or shocked, she mostly brings in animals or weird plants. One time Pilot was showing him this River Neek she found and it splashed him in the face with cold water, or when she brought in a Fire Neek and it burnt his legs. These were on accident tho, so what ever she was gonna show him it would certainly be...something.

Now it has been some time and Lucifer was beginning to get worried.
Lucifer: Oh I know she told me to wait here but...I-it is taking her awhile.
Just when Lucifer was thinking about getting up and looking for Pilot, he heard a scream.
Lucifer: P-Pilot!?
He got up and ran into the woods, following the direction of where he heard the scream. He steps on many stones, branches, and pine leaves along the way and almost trips on some tree logs just lying around, he accidentally misplaces a step and runs into dead tree. When he gets up he gasps and looks at where he was headed. If he had just taken a few steps further he would have fallen into a ravine. It was like a wide deep cut into the Earth, the bottom was rather flat and there were more dead trees at the bottom. He was surprised that he didn't know this was here before, although he doesn't go out that much. He looked around and didn't see Pilot anywhere, which only made him worry more.
Lucifer: Pilot! Where are you?
His voiced echoed, but there was no response, it was deathly quiet here and he got a strong feeling that he shouldn't be here. When he turned around to start walking back the Earth beneath him cracked and broke off and begun to slide down the side of the ravine. He screamed in terror and was looking for something to grip onto to stop from falling. All of the sudden his decent was abruptly halted by a dead tree log that was stuck between some sharp rocks. He stood there for a moment in shock and his heart was racing, but he sighed in relief and begun to slowly climb back up the side of the slope. Some dark clouds begun to form in the sky and he tried climbing back up a little faster, if it started to rain then it would make getting back up...well, difficult. When he was almost at the edge he felt his spine shiver as something cold and dark passed right behind him. He slowly turned around and looked up towards the sky. A few feet above him there was a shadow. A large dark monstrous shadow with long horns like the devil producing from its head.

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