Chapter 19 Parlay?

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Pippet's POV:
Pippet: Well if that is the case then we should better start trying to find a way to cure him. I don't wanna lose him...not again. Seven, how do we break the mind illusion?
Seven: Well this isn't some ordinary mind illusion that can be easily broken with an astral spell. It's gonna take a lot more astral power to do this than an ordinary mind illusion would.
Seven: And, well, all the wizards left, I'm shadow, your shadow, and I'm pretty sure that weed doesn't know any magic.
Flowey: Try me.
Seven: However, there is a way to make the effects of the black worm slow down, lessen even.
Pippet: Like, bye him some time?
Seven: Yeah, something like that.
Pippet: Okay, how?
Seven: I think you need to...
Seven: To...
Flowey: Dude just say it.
Seven: I believe you need to talk to him...personally...
Pippet: Ah! Well I'm great at doing that! Although I don't think he'll be too happy to see me...
Flowey: He can just disown you again you know.
Pippet: Can you stop saying that?
Flowey: I'll stop saying it when he stops disowning you.
Seven: So...are you going to go do it?
Pippet: Well if it's to make the effects of the black worm slow down then...yes...I guess I will.
Pippet: *ahem* *takes off hat*

Seven: Wait-you have HAIR???Pippet: Yes? Why? You don't have any?Seven: What? No, I'm bald

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Seven: Wait-you have HAIR???
Pippet: Yes? Why? You don't have any?
Seven: What? No, I'm bald.
Flowey: Reveal of the century.
I slowly crept behind the stairs to where the room was at. The room kinda reminded me of the tiny nurses room back at our own academy. But when I opened the door it looked almost completely empty, maybe it's just getting renovate? I stepped inside and looked behind a wall that was off to the side of the room, like a closet almost, expect with out the door. But just as I stepped in I accidentally bumped into Pilot.
Pippet: Oh, s-sorry Pilot I didn't-
Pilot: Oh no, it's fine. I'm alright. Did you come looking for Lucifer?
Pippet: Yes...
Pilot: I...I don't think it would be a good time to see him right now...
Pippet: Why?
Pilot: I believe he's...going through something...I'm just not entirely sure what though...
Pippet: I know...

Puppet master's POV:
I wake up...some place least that's what I though at first. I waited for my eyes to adjust to the darkness and I soon realized that it wasn't just pitch black. The sky was painted a dark red, the clouds looked like black smoke from a fire, and there was a sickening stench in the air that smelled of rotting corpses.
Oh cod...
I'm here again.
The Dream Realm. No...the Nightmare Realm...
I haven't been here in so long...I've almost forgotten about it entirely, but then again it's hard to forget something that nearly turned you into a pile of intestines and organs. At least that's what I remember...but the last time Pilot was here...and so was Hob, and that very weird ass dog that was for some reason just named dog. I mean, who names their dog Dog???
Puppet master: Ngghhh...why am I here? What did I do?
???: How could you not remember? It only happened just a little while ago...
Puppet master: What? Who said that-
I looked down to where I heard the voice but I only saw a mangled dead cat staring at me. It's  blank dull eyes were devoid of life.
Puppet master: I'm beginning to hear things, dead cats don't speak...
???: But of course we can, you play with us all the time, and you always talk to us...
Puppet master: The hell??
Apparently the mangled cat corpse was in fact talking to me, but how??? It's entire rib cage was ripped open and it's missing an eye...
Puppet master: How are you still alive??? What's going on???
Cat corpse: I was about to ask you the same thing...
Puppet master: What...what's happening?
Cat corpse: This is a dream...anything can happen. Even your worse nightmares...
Puppet master: I know that...
Cat corpse: My worse nightmare is getting tossed around by you like some rag doll, although I guess that's all we are to you...I didn't die with my rib cage open and my eye missing, I got like this from your rough housing.
Puppet master: That wasn't me...your mistaking me for someone else...
Puppet master: And...your actually dead? Then why are you here?
Cat corpse: When we died we were supposed to pass on into the afterlife, but instead we got trapped here...
Puppet master: By who?
Cat corpse: Well, if it's not you who has mangled us, then it must be Grimdark...
Puppet master: Grimdark...I...I know that name...he's...he's my...
Cat corpse: He's your inner demon, I thought so. You two share so much alike, I can see why he dragged you back to this purgatory of nightmares.
Puppet master: What? No, I'm nothing like that-
Cat corpse: Horrible monster? Seems like it to me.
Puppet master: How?
Cat corpse: Well, you keep secrets. To many secrets, you never forgive yourself for the things you've done in the past, and you push away loved ones who are just trying to help you. Seems like Grimdark to me.
Puppet master: I can't believe I'm getting lectured by a dead cat...
Cat corpse: Well it's true. You just did it right now.
Puppet master: Did what?
Cat corpse: You snapped at a loved one, you called them a mistake. You pushed them away, how could you not remember?
Puppet master: remember...
Cat corpse: Then do you remember corrupting the night you were at the trial?
Puppet master: What???
Cat corpse: Yep. It happened again, in fact, it's happening again right now...
Puppet master: It can't be, I'm a-
I spoke to soon. I looked down and didn't see my own hands, instead I saw three large claws stained in a pinkish red, I felt a horrible sickness in my stomach. I could feel my own intestines face felt like it was beginning to melt...Oh cod I know this pain all too well...

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