The End

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2 months later...
It was about 6pm in Lamplight Town and everyone was getting ready for the Starlight Festival to begin. Wizards of all ages were going around the town decorating and setting things up, Mama Star had just arrived and was setting up her shop. Wizards gathered and waited for her to open up, exited to see what this years inventory would be. Once the sun sets the festival will begin and the sky will be lit up by bright yellow stars and passing comets. Other Gale hadn't been to a festival in years, not sense the Other Puppet Master came back. But sense that was over now he finally got a chance to go to one. In his own world people were still fixing up the damage done to Lamplight Town during the war, so instead his counterpart, Gale, decided to invite him to his own. Other Gale was rather nervous, he had only been to this world a couple of times and not for very long. He was thinking of all the possible ways this could go wrong but Gale told him  to calm down and stop overthinking.
Gale: You'll be fine, out of all the festivals this is probably the least chaotic and noisy one.
Other Gale: Really?
Gale: Yep. You should have seen Summer Fest last year, Coy decided to turn the water balloon fight into a water gun fight.
Other Gale: You guys get a Summer Fest? Huh, we never have that many...
Gale: Oh, well maybe the next time it comes around I could bring you along.
Gale: If you want, that is.
Other Gale: That sounds nice...
Not to far from where Gale and Other Gale were walking Koi had just came into town. It was not their time of year to be here but they liked to occasionally check out the other festivals. The others weren't there right now so it was just them. They looked around and checked out the scenery, there was always something new there every year and they would always come to look around. They said hi to few other wizards and helped set some stuff up, when something caught their attention. They saw Gale walk by. He normally doesn't come to festivals, he's usually always at the Academy. What's he doing here? And then, they saw another Gale with him, another one!
Koi: w-What? Am I seeing this right?

 What's he doing here? And then, they saw another Gale with him, another one!Koi: w-What? Am I seeing this right?

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Koi: Gale! Gale! Is it just me or are you splitting into two people?
Gale: Nope, it's just other me. I haven't told a lot of people about this yet...
Koi: Another you? But how?
Gale: Ah,'s a long story. But, to put it simply, there's a alternative dimension that exits parallel to ours. And there may be many more...
Koi: So...
Koi: What your telling me is...
Koi: He's you but with a sweater.
Gale: Um, no not exactly-
Koi: Oh! Wait, wait, do I have a twin somewhere?
Gale: I don't know? I haven't seen one.
Other Gale: I have never seen you back at home. What are you exactly?
Koi: I'm a Merling.
Other Gale: Merling...I've never seen one before.
Koi: Well, now you have!
Koi: Say, Gale, why did you come to this year's festival? I didn't know you liked this kind of stuff.
Gale: Oh, I came to show him around. He hasn't been to one in awhile.
Koi: Really?
Other Gale: It's true, I haven't. Not sense...well, n-never mind.
Koi: Oh your gonna love this! Once the sun sets the sky will turn to dusk and the whole town will be covered in stars for days! Sometimes, we may even find star shards lying around, they're pretty fun to collect!
Koi: At one point you had to battle a monster to get one, but nowadays it's just a very intense game of hide and seek.
Other Gale: Why the monsters?
Koi: Puppet master.
Other Gale: Oh...
Koi: Wanna help me find some star shards when the festival starts?
Other Gale: Um...Sure, I'd like that.
Koi: You coming Gale?
Gale: Yep, the festival is starting soon after all.
On the outskirts of Lamplight town Pippet and Seven were playing in a near by grassy meadow, with the Storm Titan of course. The Titan had decided that instead of staying in the other world, it wanted to go with Pippet and the others and stay in Prodigy. Pippet and Seven didn't mind at all but it sure did surprise a lot of people. No one had ever seen a Storm Titan before, let alone a Titan that acted like a giant puppy dog. It was as if only a few months ago Pippet stabbed it though it's foot with a spear. Pilot and Puppet master were watching them play from a distance, talking. Pippet and Seven were getting tired and laid down next to the Titan.
Pippet: Hey um...Seven?
Seven: Hm?
Pippet: What...what ever happened to your...possession problem?
Seven: Oh that? Well after the Other Puppet Master died it sorta just went away. If the creator of that spell is no longer there to keep it in check then the spell itself will sort of just die, or fade away.
Pippet: Do you...remember what happened during the time you were under the mind illusion?
Seven: It's slowly coming back to me, when I first went to therapy I couldn't remember anything. But now most of it has come back to me at this point, I'm just not exactly sure how I'm gonna tell my therapist...
Seven: What I've done and all that...
Pippet: Why's that?
Seven: What if he doesn't take it well? What if he doesn't listen?
Pippet: It's his job to listen, I'm sure he'll understand.
Seven: I'm just afraid it might not go well...
Pippet: You won't have anything to worry about, you'll see. I'm sure it'll be okay.
Seven: Um...Pippet?
Pippet: Yeah?
Seven: Weren't you under a mind illusion at one point? What did you do when you were free from it?
Pippet: Well, I wouldn't say I was under a full mind illusion. I always did what my master told me to do, but after I met Alenia I was beginning to have my own thoughts and emotions, and I'm really not sure how. Let's just say it was a lot more easier to free me than my dad, it nearly killed them both.
Pippet: But after that was over I kinda just started doing what I really wanted to. And it took awhile really, for everyone to get used to it, even me. I still haven't told you about my own corruption, but I'll try to some day.
Seven: Why not now?
Pippet: It just doesn't feel right yet...maybe tomorrow I will.
Seven: Just one did you get out of your corruption?
Pippet: Well, I had some help. You can do a lot of things on your own, but handling stuff like that is a lot more easier when you have someone with you.
Seven: Hm...
Pippet: Aww, I can hear the Storm Titan purring.
Seven: I noticed you always called it Storm Titan, why not give it an actual name?
Pippet: Hmm...I guess I never really thought about that.
Pippet: Let me think...

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