Chapter 15 Calling all Front and Center

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Olgrim's POV:
I'm not sure what I was to think of the situation, Pilot isn't here so it's just me now. I saw Noot and Gale staring at me oddly, as if I were a complete stranger, did they forget me too? And then there was Mira, she was leaning against the staircase, staring at nothing. I slowly approached hoping to get her attention, I remember fondly training with her, teaching her how to use the element of ice...I tried to teach her other spells but she didn't seem to want to branch out. But that was many years ago, I wonder if she has opened up now.
Mira: Who are you?
Olgrim: It's you not remember me? Or have you forgotten my very existence?

do you not remember me? Or have you forgotten my very existence?

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Mira: Olgrim...that name...
Olgrim: Yes...?
Mira: It seems faint, tell me, when did we meet?
Olgrim: At the dark tower, although I'm not sure how long it has been, I lost track of time awhile ago.
Mira: were there?
Olgrim: I used to be, I was originally the keeper of the tower, you weren't always there...but I assume by now, you have replaced me in my absence.
Mira: What happened to you?
Olgrim: The abyss beneath the Academy...
Mira: The abyss? But no one comes back from there...!
Olgrim: I thought so too. That was until...
Olgrim: Well until just a little while ago that is.
I could see Mira's pupils dart to the sides, thinking, she clutched her hands into fists trying to figure out this conundrum. Has she forgotten me? Although, if she has...I can't blame her. Perhaps it has been that long.
Mira: Wait...! Night Bringer...that was your wizard name, a long time ago.
Olgrim: remember that?
Mira: I don't know how but... it seems familiar to me.
Mira: Maybe I do remember...but I just don't know it yet.

Nobody's POV:
Pippet had walked upstairs after the yelling, and went back to the room they had slept in that night. He sat down thinking to himself, trying to brush off what his father had said. He couldn't have really met what he said, could he? The more he tried not to think about, the more he begun to think what he said was true. He was small and weary, was never good in battle, and now he couldn't even preform the most basic of spells. Perhaps he wasn't met to be made this way, maybe he was after all, an accident.
He was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't hear B come in and sit down next to him. He turned his head to look at Pippet.
B: I...heard what happened down there. Are you alright?
Pippet: I'm fine...
B: You don't look fine. I can see that your troubled.
Pippet: I-I'm not...
B: Sometimes when someone gets angry, they can say many terrible things in the heat of rage. Sometimes time will pass on and they realized they've made a mistake, and other times they may never move on. This can even come from closed loved ones.
Pippet: But why has it been happening to him so much?
B: It depends. Although I could not imagine what is going through your guardians head right now, have you ever tried talking to him about it before?
Pippet: I think so...but every time I did I think it only made it worse.
B: Maybe there is something more going on, and we just can't see it.
Pippet: He'll get better eventually...right?
B: I'm sure of it.
Just then something fluttered up to the window and made a flapping sound as if perched on the window seal.
Pippet: Is that a Browl? What's it doing here?
B: Ah, another message.
Pippet looked down and noticed a small letter in the beak of the owl like creature. B took it from it and opened it. Inside the letter looked like a list of something, he couldn't quite tell, but then B begun to read aloud.
B: "Hello Gale, it's me, Eve. I hope you'll be able to read this because in all honesty...I'm not sure what to do anymore. Something happened at Shipwreck, I'm not sure if it just affecting people here or if it's everywhere. The Order did something, magic is on the fritz and it isn't working, many wizards here are trying to use their warp charms but...nothing is happening. I don't think I'm able to battle on my own anymore...I need your help again, and this time bring Florian. Well, if he's up to it.
P.S. I think one of the titans are here. If there are any more wizards at the Academy...send them here please."
Pippet: ....oh...
Pippet: That's...concerning. Is this happening everywhere?
B: We'll there's only one way to find out.

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