Chapter 22 Collide

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Other Noot's POV:
Alenia: What is that on my face!? What is this!? Am I-A-am I corrupting!?!?
Dog: I'm not sure what else it could be!
I'm not sure what corruption is but it sounds bad, maybe it's like a disease? Cod, it's just like Gales tail. I'm not sure what we can do for this poor wizard. And Gale too! What's happening to him? It's like he's turning into some kind of monster...
Alenia: w-w-What happened to the Other Puppet Master?
Gale: He went after the Storm Titan. It looks like they're fighting right now so we're okay...for now.
Alenia: What...happened to all the other monsters? It felt like they're was countless of them just a little while ago.
Gale: They're were...but Mira and Olgrim took care of most of them.
Alenia: Where are they now?
Gale: They're fighting off the rest of the Titans, we still have them to worry about.
Alenia: A-and...where is Hob and Pippet!? What happened to them!?
Gale: I don't know...! They were there one moment and then the next they were gone.
Alenia: What do you mean-
Other Noot: Hey-sorry to interrupt but do you feel something?
Alenia: Huh?

Nobody's POV:
The sky somewhat began to clear up. Right in the middle of the field a ray of sunlight poked through the dark over cast. There came a being from the light. It was a bright pale green bloom that appeared from seemingly nowhere. The light faded away quickly and revealed a large beast.
Other Noot: What is that thing?!
Other Noot exclaimed.
The beast was large and covered in teal fur. It had large arms and short stubby legs. It had the face of a bear somewhat, with two small fluffy ears poking up at the top of its head. It had big bright teal eyes and a huge mouth with giant uneven teeth.
The group noticed something that was with the beast. A small startled Hob and an even more startled jester accompanied it on its back.
Alenia: h-Hob!?!? Pippet!?!?
Prodigy: I'm back all my little ones!

Hob: Uh-buddy-I wouldn't say that if I were you-I-I don't think anyone here is going to recognize you-!!!Pippet: Gah!!!!The beast landed on the ground with a loud and startling crash

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Hob: Uh-buddy-I wouldn't say that if I were you-I-I don't think anyone here is going to recognize you-!!!
Pippet: Gah!!!!
The beast landed on the ground with a loud and startling crash. It didn't seem injured in the slightest but Hob and Pippet looked a little dizzy. Once the dust cleared the beast approached the group with haste. Alenia got out her wand, or at least she tried too, Gale and Smoky backed up and Other Gale hid behind a rock in fear.
Other Noot: What is that thing...?
The creature stopped just a few feet away from the group. It stopped to look at them all, they all looked startled and frightened, especially the one with the weird looking tail.
Prodigy: Why do you all look at me with fear?
Gale: Who are you?
Prodigy: Gale! Ah it's felt like ages sense I last saw you...
Gale: How do you know my name?
Alenia: Hob? Pippet?
Hob: Alenia....what....what the hell happened to you?? What's that on your face-!?
Dog: It's corruption.
Hob: Dog!
Dog: Hob. And Pippet.
Hob: She's...she's WHAT!?!?!? She's corrupting!?!?
Dog: That's what it looks like...! I don't know how it started, she got hit with a whip-
Hob: She got whipped!?!?
Alenia: Don't worry it only hurt for a little bit-!! Well, before I passed out....
Hob: How long where we gone for!?
Gale: Only a few minutes...
Hob: Only...a few minutes...?
Pippet: It felt longer than that...
Alenia: Hob. What is that thing?
Pippet: It's name is Prodigy. They came back here to help us.
Other Gale: Wait...did you say Prodigy...?
Other Gale meekly asked.
He came out from the rock he was hiding behind and walked towards the beast.
Prodigy: Another one...! Holy moly you multiplied...
Other Gale: You look...familiar...
Prodigy: Hm Hm.....what...What exactly happened to you? Your body is all black and red...that's definitely not normal. Not normal at all...
Other Gale: I isn't...

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