Chapter 8 Olgrim and Felicity

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Pilot's POV:

Pilot: And-*COUGH*-*HACK* that's-*HACK* you do it...
Florian: *moaning*
Pilot: Yeah that's how I felt my first time, you'll get used to it.
Pilot: I teleported...I thought that was obvious...
Puppet master: YES BUT TO WHERE???
Pilot: Calm down Lucifer, it's obvious that we're....we're....wait hold on a second this can't be right.
Alenia: *Cough!* Jeez Pilot-*cough!* what was all of that?
Pilot: I used the map stones to coordinate where Pippet and Hob were at. Earlier the map showed that they were in that wall. But now it says they're in Lamplight town...that can't be...
Gale: Wait hold on a second....somethings not right here...
Alenia: What is it Gale?
Gale: The air here...feels different....
Florian: Wait a minute this is the cross roads area, we're in Firefly forest...
Gale: But...something here just feels it's not....not...
Flowey: Not our world.
Gale: Ah! What the-jeez why did that thing have to come along??
Florian: Not really my choice here. That amulet of Pilot teleported us all here.
Puppet master: Except Luma...she must still be at the Academy.
Florian: Hold on back up, have you guys done this before?
Alenia: Well...sorta? I mean we used the amulet one time to get to Keystone, which was a whole situation on its own.
Florian: So you know what you guys are doing right?
Alenia: ...
Alenia: No.
Flowey: Haha! Oh Florian, I almost feel bad for you. Expect I don't, cause ya know, I can't feel anything...!
Florian: told me...
Gale: what? I'm not sure about this place, it just doesn't feel like the same crossroads...
Pilot: Well let's see here...
Pilot: Pippet and Hob are in Lamplight town so....
Alenia: Is there a storm coming?
Pilot: Gale, Alenia, do you think you can head over to the Academy? I need to know if Luma is there or if she accidentally got transported somewhere else.
Alenia: Sure, I think so. Gale?
Gale: Um...okay then...
Florian: Hey can I go to? I don't trust being with this flower on my own this time around...
Pilot: Alrighty then, but may I ask why you suddenly feel uncomfortable just being around it? You were the one watering and taking care of it after all.
Flowey: You guys are talking like I'm not here.
Florian: It's better that way.
Pilot: Okay, and Puppet master, you and I will go look for Pippet and Hob in Lamplight town.
Puppet master: Fine, but can we hurry? That storm is getting ominously close...

So with that Gale, Alenia, Florian and that flower start heading down the trail towards the academy, while I and Lucifer head in the opposite direction. It's actually quiet for awhile, the only thing that was making any real noise was the wind. I looked back down and checked the map and...
Pilot: What the...
Puppet master: What is it?
Pilot: The map it's...its...
I showed Lucifer the map and he looks a tad bit confused at first but then he sees the problem. A few moments ago the map showed a birds eye view of the island, but now it was showing something that looked completely different! Well not completely different, it still had all the elemental areas like the Academy, lost island and Harmony island but...everything just looked rearranged some how. The map looked different, we some how seemed further away from Lamplight town than we were earlier.
Puppet master: U-uh...that's weird, maps don't change like that, right?
Pilot: I have an expansive knowledge of how different types of magic, spells, and maps work, but it shouldn't have just changed like that. It didn't look like this at all earlier...this is something new...
Puppet master: Yeah you say that a lot.
Pilot: What do you mean?
Puppet master: You always act like you know what your doing at first but then you some how manage to mess up in such a way that not even you know what your doing. And you do that A LOT.
Pilot: It's not my fault the map changed.
Puppet master: Well it's your fault that you brought us back to that horrible island in the first place.
Pilot: Your...talking about Keystone, aren't you.

The Puppet master looked as if he was about to say something back but stopped abruptly and stepped backwards, gently rubbing his head.
I know he hated Keystone, it's one of the few things that puts him back in his dark depressive state, it's the one place where all those horrible things happened to him in one day. I don't ever wanna bring it up often because I know it might trigger some bad memories, but somehow I still manage to bring it up even if not intentionally, and stuff like this happens.
I ask myself sometimes...
When will he ever move on?
Will he?
Will he ever forgive himself so that he may sleep peacefully at night?
I begun to hear a muffled humming sound and looked down, the amulet, it was beginning to glow.
Pilot: Oh no.
Puppet master: Ngh...Pilot...what-what are you doing?
Pilot: I don't know, I'm not doing anything...! It's glowing on its own...!
Puppet master: Take it off that thing has caused us enough trouble already!
I try to take it off frantically but panicking during a situation like this never helps, and the amulet only shined brighter and I looked at Lucifer for help. But however when I looked...I didn't see him.
He just stared.

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