Chapter 16 One Color of The Rainbow

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Warning: This chapter has some graphic images, it might be scary for younger readers.

Other Florian's POV:
We had just left a little while ago from the Academy to got to Shipwreck. Sense teleportation and magic isn't working and whatnot, we'll have to make our way to shipwreck shore on foot. Not that I have a problem with it though. The others here...other me seems pretty cool, although I'm kinda jealous he is still able to use his wings and doesn't have thorns coming out of his arm. When my arms started growing thorns I couldn't fly anymore...they felt numb and weak, they lost their glow too. These thorns are kinda agitating...but I can't worry about that now. We have a job to do, all of the magic and life here on Prodigia depends on it. Luckily we're half way there. Just a little more...

Nobody's POV:
Flowey: *sigh*, looks like it's just me and you now Pinocchio.
Pippet: Still don't know what that is. But Pilot and dad are still here...
Flowey: Can you even call that guy your "dad" anymore?
Pippet: What do you mean?
Flowey: He basically disowned you. Calling you a mistake and whatnot.
Pippet: You heard all of that?
Flowey: I hear everything.
Pippet: Even when someone has to go to the bathroom?
Flowey: What?-ew-no.
Flowey: All your friends left to go do something at Shipwreck what's-it's-name. What do you plan on doing now?
Pippet was about to say something before he heard light tapping sounds behind him. He turned around and saw his counterpart, Seven, creep out of the corner looking more solemn than usual. He looked up and gazed at him with pale eyes.
Pippet: Oh hey Seven! Your back! Where were you at?
Seven: No where really...your guardian doesn't seem all that different from mine.
Pippet: What? No...that-that was the first time something like that happened I swear...he never acted like this before, well at least not sense we got back from Keystone.
Seven: What happened at Keystone?
Pippet: Wait does Keystone exist here too?
Seven: No, but tell me anyway.
Pippet: Well....we met two members of the Order there, Torial and Gerard. Let's just say we didn't expect to have an encounter with them, and dad kinda captured by them.
Pippet: But we rescued him...! But before that there was his head...
Seven: Huh?
Pippet: It was kind of hard to see but...I remember there being this dark, dark, purple like snake thing wedged into his head. It looked painful. I don't really remember what it was for but we got it out luckily. We hardly ever speak of it, he doesn't seem to really want to.
Seven: Wait the dark purple snake-did it have the resemblance of a worm of some kind?
Pippet: Well...kinda, I mean if you look at it a certain way.
Seven: That was a Black Worm!
Pippet: Uhh, a what?
Seven: A black worm, they were used in the Order to put people under almost unbreakable mind illusions. They were used a lot a long time ago, but it's ability to ensnare peoples minds almost never fails.
Pippet: So how come to Order isn't just using them constantly?
Seven: Well...they were sorta a one time use. Once the spell is completed they turn to dust, all of its dark energy and magic has seeped into the victim, and there's no getting them out of that.
Seven: Like a bee sting. Once the bee uses its stinger it falls off and it dies.
Pippet: So is that what's been happening to dad?? He's slowly being put under a mind illusion? And...turning evil?
Seven: That's what the black worm does, but sense the spell hasn't seem to be completed yet there might still be some time left to cure him...hypothetically.
Pippet: Sooo...hypothetically, if we don't cure him and he turns evil...what will happen to him?
Seven: He will be lost forever.
Flowey: Well that explains why he disowned you. I just thought he was having adolescents.

Nobody's POV:
The group was nearing their way to the outskirts of Shipwreck shore where jungle and vegetation still thrived, they were almost there. Other Noot was at the head of the line and stopped to turn around, he saw that Other Florian was beginning to slow down. His walking was beginning to become unsteady and was breathing heavily. Florian was walking right beside him, watching intently as he fidgeted nervously.
Other Noot: H-hh, hey-Florian...!
Florian: Me?
Other Noot: Oh, sorry, I met the other one. Florian are you alright? Your slowing down, do you need a break?
Other Florian: What? No I'm fi-haaaaaaannn-#&**(()%%—.......
The Other Florian's voice seemed to have faded in and out for a moment, and then it cracked. He tripped, stumbled, and then fell.
Other Noot: Ah!! Florian!
Florian: Woah-hey buddy are you okay??
Other Florian?: ¥^[]}}>!!
Florian: What?
Other Florian: Hhh-*ahem* o-Oh sorry about that there-what I met to say was I'm fine. I just accidentally tripped that's all.
Other Noot: You don't sound fine. It probably wasn't a good idea for you to come along, you should have just stayed at the Academy...
Other Florian: And do what? Nothing? That's all I've been doing.
Other Noot: Pushing yourself to the point of burnout ain't gonna help either. Besides I don't think going with those thorns coming out of your arm was a good idea either...they haven't been getting any better.
Florian wanted to tell them what was going on, but he couldn't really bring himself to do it. He also didn't feel like butting in, in which he already had but he didn't want to escalate things further. He was afraid if he said something it might trigger the corruption, and he certainly didn't want to be the cause of that.
Up ahead Alenia had started talking to the Other Gale, asking him questions about what has happened, simply out of curiosity.
Alenia: Soo...the warden keystones didn't get scattered but instead got their magic drained. Did that happen to the wardens themselves?
Other Gale: They have been weakened yes, but they were still able to use basic spells so they weren't completely powerless. Well I guess they kinda are
Alenia: Is your job Keeper of the Academy here harder? Or less because-
Other Gale: Keeper? On no, that would be know no one's job. As in we don't have a Keeper of the Academy. Y'know we should really open up a job for that someday...
Alenia: No Keeper? Huh, our Gale is Keeper of the Academy. Although his job does make his life a little more stressful...after the Puppet master scattered the keystones he's been trying his best to never let something like that slip up again...He's better now thankfully. But at the time...
Other Gale: About the Puppet master...what exactly happened to him?
Alenia: Wish I could say, he seemed to be under some kind of mind allusion of his own. How that happened and when it did I don't know, he doesn't want to talk about it.
Alenia: Oh, by the way nice sweater. Where'd you get it?
Other Gale: Oh, Noot made it for me. As a gift.
Alenia: Ah, our Gale has a sweater just like that one back home. He only wore it a few times though...
Other Gale: Maybe he didn't want to ruin it by wearing it to much?
Alenia: Uh....maybe?
Olgrim: Is Grandoff still alive? I haven't seen him in ages...
Mira: He is. He's been watching over the Dark Tower while I've been gone. Cyrus does too.
Olgrim: Who's Cyrus?
Mira: Oh he' mind it's not important.
Olgrim: exactly has the tower held up under your care?
Mira: The towers still standing.
Olgrim: That's good...I don't think it was in such great shape when I left...
Mira: Why did you leave?
Olgrim: I didn't want to...
Olgrim: I was going to come back to the tower but I some how...fell. That abyss beneath the Academy?
Mira: Wait you fell into that pit? How?? That thing is massive how do you fall down it??
Olgrim: I don't remember what happened...all I saw after that was darkness.
Mira: That pit is said to be bottomless. How did you get out?
Olgrim: That rabbit mouse Pilot is the only reason I'm here right now. If it wasn't for her I would still be in that labyrinth.
Mira: She's not from here is she. I haven't seen a rabbit mouse in awhile, I thought they all left Prodigia a long time ago.
Olgrim: They did, but not where she's from.
Mira: actually believe all the stuff she's told you?
Olgrim: It was hard to believe at first but soon after...I realized we are one of many worlds...including me and you. And the puppet master, there's two of them now. One of them is back at the Academy...
Mira: Yeah...I met him earlier...
Olgrim: How did that go?
Mira: Not good, I thought he was The Puppet Master that had been attacking Prodigia, I had mistaken him for the wrong one. We had battled and some how I had loss...he did something to his arm...
Olgrim: What happened?
Mira: Blood, a mass of tentacles had burst out of it. I got smacked in the face with it, I think I blacked out after that. However, he doesn't seem to remember any of it.
Olgrim: Are you sure that's what happened?
Mira: Positive. I saw it with my own eyes.
Mira: Although when it happened...he almost looked...scared. As if he too didn't know what was going on.
Olgrim: I suppose if my arms turned into a bloody mass of tentacles I would be pretty frightened too.
Mira: Well that doesn't just happen every day. Something wasn't right...
The group had finally reached Shipwreck shore. The name "shipwreck" sorta spoke for itself, there were multiple ships washed up upon the shore. Most of them probably caused by the beast below the water they call Old One. Or the sea Titan, that too. Just a few yards away in the shrubs there was a small camp that had already been set up.
Alenia: So this isn't the first time you guys have done this?
Other Gale: No, we've come here before. Although not it a good while...I prefer it stayed that way, I don't like Shipwreck shore that feels like something eldritch is always watching me.
Hob: That might be because there is.
Other Gale: Ah! Oh my, I forgot you came along.
Hob: Ive been chilling in the back seat this whole time.
Alenia: *ahem*
Alenia turned around and saw Other Florian leaning against Florian, he looked like he was about to fall right over.
Alenia: Woah what happened to him?
Other Gale: This wasn't such a good idea...I know Eve asked for his help but he shouldn't have-wait a minute...where is Eve? She should have been here...
Alenia: Maybe she's just running late?
Other Gale: She wouldn't leave...where could she possibly be?
They had all walked into a large tent where supplies had been set up, and a lot of it being met for Titan battles unsurprisingly.
"This must be where they prepare for Titans..."
Alenia thought.
She looked across the room and noticed two other wizards already there, sitting at opposite ends. One of them had blue hair while the other...looked like her.
Hob: Hey I think I know those two...
Smoky: Oh! Hey Gale your here! And-woah who's that?
Other Gale:''s a long story. Where's Eve?
Smoky: Oh she had to take care of something real quick. She said she'd be back and left us two in charge. We didn't think you'd be here so quickly considering magic is sorta...not working.
Other Gale: Yeah...we...we brought some help with us.
Smoky: Who's that big guy with the horns? And is that Mira Shade?
Other Gale: Yes she came here to help. The one with the horns is named Olgrim. I don't really know him...
"Hey why does that guy there look like you?"
Asked the blue haired girl.
Gale: Oh hello. I'm Gale.
Other Gale: That is also his name. Like I said it's a long story...
Just then Other Florian stumbled into the tent and fell down again, luckily this time he caught himself. Sort of.
Other Noot: Florian! I said be careful...! Your not doing well...
Smoky: Woah eh-Florian! What happened to you? I haven't seen you in like, forever.
"Yeah we all thought you were dead."
The blue hair girl commented.
Smoky: What-Clair no we didn't.
Clair: You did.
Other Florian: I *wheeze* just had...a little trouble with the Order...but...*cough*
Florian: Uh...buddy, I think you need to sit down...
Smoky: Oh what the-who are you????
Florian: This is probably gonna sound weird but I'm him from another dimension.
Smoky: Actually with all that has happened this week that's pretty believable.
Florian: Oh. Glad someone's finally taking it normally.
Alenia: Hello older me.
Smoky: Uhh...hello...younger me...? Who are you?
Alenia: I'm Alenia, and this is Hob.
Smoky: It''s you.
Hob: Hehe, hey there. Sorry about electrocuting you guys earlier.
Alenia: What?
Hob: I met her earlier. We got into a fight.
Alenia: How did that happen?
Smoky: Pippet was with you earlier...and you can
Hob: I could always talk. I guess the pets here don't do that, the Pippet you saw was my friend. Not the one you guys are probably use to battling. There's two of them.
Smoky: There's two of them...? But how?
Hob: Multiverse stuff.
Smoky: How did you manage to beat me and my friends in one go though?
Hob: Grinding. A lot of grinding. You should probably try it some time. By the way where's the rest of your pals at?
Smoky: Oh there at Sky watch, they were checking out the Titan Grounds.
Hob: Oh...yeah we were there earlier.
Alenia had stepped outside of the tent for a little bit and saw B standing out there near some tide pools. He seemed to be looking down at his reflection, although there wasn't much point in doing so considering he was wearing a mask. He hasn't taken it off sense they had all met.
Alenia: Oh, hi B...! Watcha doing out here alone?
B: ...I believe your friend Hob has had contact with the one they call "The Dog."
Alenia: Dog? Oh yeah I remember her. She was...she was weird.
B: I met the Dog before...
Alenia: You've met her? Huh I thought it was just only us she came to.
B: She's a trickster. She always seems to know more than what she's letting on. She always seems to be following you even when it doesn't feel like it...
Alenia: Did you have a bad experience with her? The last time we saw her she actually helped us escape from two members of the Order. We haven't seen her sense...
B: Perhaps you haven't seen her. But she most definitely sees you.
Alenia: Well that's just called stalking.
B: Indeed. She's been doing it to me for a long time...
Alenia: W-Why? What happened? Also that's creepy...
B: We played a game once. And I lost, she wouldn't leave me alone after that...
Alenia: Yeah she seems to be the type of person to do that.
Alenia: Do you think she's doing it now?
B: Hmmm...could you check?
Alenia: Wat.
B: a-As in check to see if she's...over there.
Alenia: Um why can't you do it?
B: The thing is she wouldn't exactly take it to well if I came along.
Alenia: She doesn't like you?
B: Not exactly...
Alenia: Alright, I see.
B: Are you sure? Because it doesn't seem like you-
Alenia: Alright, alright, look imma go check over there and she's not gonna be there. Because if someone like me goes looking for the dog they're not gonna find anything. Just watch.
B: Um...
Meanwhile back in the tent the Other Florian was beginning to feel more and more ill. His breathing became shaky and raspy, his whole body was beginning to shake and he didn't want to admit it.
Hob: Um...Other Noot? Is he okay?
Other Noot: No he's not okay. Florian let me see your arm.
Other Florian: ww-w-Why?
Other Noot: Let me see your arm.
Other Noot grabbed his arm to inspect and almost recoiled at the mere touch of it. The dark green thorns were beginning to engulf his entire arm, they were painful to touch and almost just as painful to look at. His arm had grown stiff and he could barely move it, the bandages that concealed it earlier were no use anymore, they had almost all been completely torn off. When Florian had saw them earlier he thought they looked bad, but now he believed that might have been an understatement. They looked down right awful.
Clair: Jeez Florian what happened to you? This isn't gonna happen to your whole body is it? Because I don't think anyone here wants to see that.
Other Florian: *cough* hhh...hhh-I...I don't feel any other thorns on my's just my arm, it's o-okay...
Florian: It's not okay. I should have told you this earlier but I didn't want to. But now I don't think there's any point in hiding it anymore.
Other Florian: Tell me what?
Florian: Your corrupting. When you got attacked by the Order it must have triggered something bad, you may not have even realized it at the time. It looks like for you it happened slowly over time, for some its a lot more quicker. How painful it will be though is still debatable...those thorns growing out your arm is a sign of corruption, and it's different for everyone.
Other Florian: Corruption? Why have I never heard of this until now? It it supposed to be some kind of disease?
Florian: Something like that.
Hob: It is in its own way. There is no cure for's something that you have to fight through, figuratively and literally.
Other Florian: Wha-how??
Hob: I can't really tell ya how. Because I don't know.
Clair: Whats gonna happen to him? This isn't gonna be like one of those Steven Universe fanfics is it?
Hob: What the hell-
Other Florian: GAH-!!!
The Other Florian clutched his head kneeling down in pain. The thorns that had been growing on his arm seemed to be spreading and making their way over to his shoulder blades.
Other Noot: Florian! W-What's wrong?
Florian: Oh no...
Other Gale: h-Hey what's going on? Who's screaming?
Other Gale had walked in and immediately noticed his friend writhing in pain.
Other Gale: What's wrong with him??
Hob: It's already starting.
Other Florian was on his hands and knees at this point the thorns begun to spread onto the rest of his back and almost started forming spike like formations. His other arm was also beginning to fester thorns, but it seemed a bit slower than the other changes. He opened his eyes and saw them. He almost wanted to scream for a moment but swallowed it and tried to stand up. He stumbled backwards and hit the wooden mast that was holding up part of the tent behind him, he used it to balance himself and once he relatively stopped swaying he looked down.
Other Florian: *huff*...uh...guys...? Why-...why do you look smaller?
Other Noot: U-uh n-no
Before Noot could answer he realized what had actually happened. While he was still trying to get off the ground his body mass had seemed to have grown just a tad bit. But it was enough to make things seem smaller than they actually were.
Other Florian: What...w-What do I do?? How am I supposed to get thi%%@$&&sss-to-Stop! Ah! Why does that keep happening to my voice!?
Other Gale: Hhhh...Hob? Other Florian?
Hob: There isn't a way to stop it...! But if you calm down it will slow down and won't be as painful. It acts stronger when your stressed.
Other Florian?: How is that supposed to help!?!
That didn't help. As Other Florian shouted two massive thorns dug their way through his skin and burst right out of his back. The force of them tearing through was enough to knock Other Florian back onto the floor on all fours.
Other Noot: No!
Other Noot scurried over to their friend and tried his best to ease the pain Other Florian was in, but at that point there was nothing he could do. His skin was beginning to change color and his hair ever so slowly begun to fall from his scalp. Other Gale was completely stunned in horror as Florian's body begun to deteriorate. He opened his eyes again, he realized his sight was blurry from stinging tears. For the first time in what felt like ages he was crying. From pain.
"I...I'm crying...? Why does this...hurt so bad...?"
Other Florian?: Hhhhh...hggggg...I-*Cough!* c...can't feel my f-fingers...
Other Noot looked down and realized that Florian's fingers were no longer fingers. His skin had seemed to have silently peeled off as his bone was replaced by large black claws that seemed to reflect in the light. Although, that may have just been because they were soaked in blood.
Other Florian: I...I can't feel them...I can't...move. I can't move.
At this point there were so many jagged thorns covering his body that he had grown stiff and couldn't seem to move anymore. It's like getting a paper cut on your finger and then every time you move that finger it hurts. Now replace that with thorns.
Clair: Is there really no way we can help him? C'mon there's gotta be something we can do...!
Hob: There is no known way. So far the only way this has ever ended was by some sheer miracle. And trust me those times we have gotten very lucky...but for this, I don't think there is a way.
Clair: Are you kidding me!? You just leave you friends suffering like that??
Hob: We don't leave them suffering all alone dang it...! We try are best but...
Clair: But what?
Hob: But they still give in.
Other Noot: Ahhhh!!
Other Gale: Noot what is it??
Other Noot: His face-his face!!
The Other Gale watched Noot fly out of the tent so fast the only thing he saw was a flash of white and the door to the tent slightly move. He turned around and saw-
Other Gale: Oh God!!!
The Other Florian's face had changed. Not only has his body color changed entirely to a dark pale green and almost all of his hair had fallen out, but a massive, grotesque, and nasty smile that stretched ear to ear had placed itself right on Other Florians face for everyone to see. It was rather nightmare inducing, especially with his now pitch black eyes.
Other Gale: w-w-Why are you smiling?????
Other Florian?: I-I'm not...! It's-making me...!
He said through gritted teeth.
Hob: Oh Jeez even I'll admit that's pretty messed up.
Florian: But you don't really seem phased by that.
Hob: I am on the inside.
Other Florian: g-GAAHH!!! H-Head-ACHE!!!
Other Florian with now prickly and sharp clawed hands gripped his head that was also really prickly. He found the strength to move again and stepped backwards. He turned his face down to the floor and begun tearing at his own skin. But he couldn't. It was engulfed by thick and sharp thorns that were as thick as steel.
He felt his body mass increase again and hunched over, for some odd reason his waistline begun to feel oddly tight. Thorns had begun to grow from his stomach which had so far been the only part of his body that was free from all that. Unfortunately not anymore, he felt layers and layers of thorns and thick hide cover up his abdomen and soon he looked more like a mass of thorns walking on two legs rather than an actual person. He couldn't bear to talk anymore, and nor could he bring himself to scream from pain and panic.
As of now Florian and Hob were backed up against the other side of the tent and rightfully so. Other Gale looked up at what was left of his friend in sadness and horror. He noticed that the color of his pupils had changed, instead of the usual amber they were now a bright green, a contrast from his pitch black eyes. The Other Florian slowly turned his head down to look at Other Gale, a stream of tears could be seen coming out of his eyes. And through gritted teeth and painful breathing the only thing he could muster up to say was...
Other Florian???: ...Get...
Other Florian???: ...Away...

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