Chapter 11 Theres Two of Them

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Other Gale's POV:

Other Noot:'s that tail of yours feeling buddy?
Other Gale: Oh it's...well...if I'm going to be completely honest with you I don't really like it that much. It feels a lot heavier than my old one and makes flying rather difficult, the only thing it does is just hang down limply by my side.
Other Noot: Yeah, I saw you struggling to fly the other day. But until we can find out what caused this your stuck with it.
Other Gale: Hey is it weird that it aches a little?
Other Noot: Your tail?
Other Gale:'s been feeling really sore and kind of scratchy too. Not to mention it's a completely different texture as well.
Other Noot: I didn't think it would feel itchy, well-I mean it doesn't look that way...
Other Gale: It is...I wish I knew what was causing it so it would just stop but...*sigh* I go to sleep one night with my regular tail and the next morning when I wake up it's gone and replaced with...this...
Other Noot: It is rather strange how there was no warning, like it just appeared...
Other Gale: It's a minor inconvenience, well, for now...
*Nock* *Nock*
Other Gale: Huh? Who could that be at this hour?
I walk down the Academy's stairs as my weirdly deformed tail dragged along behind me. I get to the door and I slightly open it ajar. Wait-oh! Its B!
B: Hello Gale.
Other Gale: H-hello B. Um...what are you doing here? At this time of day?
B: Me and a few acquaintances of mine are in need of your assistance.
Other Gale: Well that's alright, what do you need?
B: Hmm...
Other Gale: Are you going to come in or...
B: Y-yes, before that...there's something you should know.
Other Gale: What is it?
B: It's rather complicated to explain...just, I want you to promise to not panic or freak out.
Other Gale: Umm...okay? What seems to be the-

okay? What seems to be the-

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Gale: Uuuhhhh...h-Hi...

Gale's POV:
It was like looking at a mirror. I didn't expect an alternate version of myself to look this identical. He seems to be wearing a light blue sweater with the Astral symbol stitched onto it, his skin is the same color as mine and so is the hair. He looked tired, but I suppose I was too. Everything seemed fine about him until I got to the wings and tail...
His wings looked a lot dimmer than mine and they looked really pale...
And then there was his tail...

And then there was his tail

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It was red...covered in thick layers of hide and muscle and had little purple spikes poking through it...
...oh no...
It's...happening to him too...he....he's.....
Flowey: Oh dang he's got it bad. Hey Gale doesn't this look familiar to you?
Flowey: Gale? Hello? Earth to Gale? Nah he's out of it.

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