Chapter 20 Battle Round

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Somewhere in the void...

Agog: Ah...they've been gone for awhile now...
Agog: Just what in the world do they think they're doing up there? Hob and Pippet should have never gone looking for those roots...they should have just kept to themselves and stayed out of other peoples business...
???: Oh my look who's taking...!
Agog: *sigh* ...seriously? Back so soon creature?
Creature: Oh please you know my real name, Soul eater!
Agog: The Dog gave you that name...I'd prefer to call you by what you actually are, you demented child of evil.

Agog: Why are you down here?Soul eater: I just came to check up on our dear sulking miserable friend, you (:Agog: You have no business being in the void, now leave

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Agog: Why are you down here?
Soul eater: I just came to check up on our dear sulking miserable friend, you (:
Agog: You have no business being in the void, now leave.
Soul eater: Hey don't you have a job to do or something?
Agog: What?
Soul eater: Yes. That little marionette friend of yours? I think he just lost his friend, I heard screaming. Shouldn't you go check on him?
Agog: What difference would it make?
Soul eater: Oh Y'know, so he doesn't fall into a pit of despair and sadness and corrupt all over again. I remember the first time that happened it was quite painful and dramatic. But wasn't that in the first one? Or the second one? No it was definitely the first one.
Agog: He has family members he can reach out to.
Soul eater: Technically he has only one. And he seems in pretty rough shape, only a few more hours until he loses it and goes completely coo-coo-bananas.
Soul eater: Hm I don't know what bananas taste like....
Soul eater: So what were we talking about again? Oh right. You should probably go up there.
Agog: Why don't you go instead?
Soul eater: Well if he saw me he'd skip the five stages of corruption and go straight to the horrifying transformation part. But I can try.
Soul: But you should still go, besides, we're not done playing the game are we? She'll be waiting for you...the Dog I mean...

the Dog I mean

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Agog: *sigh...*
Agog: Well I suppose they aren't gonna be able to win this war by themselves...
Agog: I'm just not sure how I'm gonna be able to help with my...restraints...
Pippet...please don't corrupt while I'm out there...


Meanwhile on the surface world...
So remember Toriel and Gerard? Well they're still here, and now they have a corpse with them. Nice.
Gerard: ...*ahem*
Gerard: Hey sooo....Toriel, I know that we got a whole new job to do and something, and that we were given a task to bring back this little guy
Gerard: I have a question.
Toriel: Go on.

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