Chapter 21 The Prodigy

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Hob's POV:
Hob: Alenia! Alen-I-....ha.....I.....wh....what's....what? Where am I? What is this place? There's nothing's just a blank white...emptiness...
Pippet: Gah!!! *hack!* *cough!* ghaaa.....ahh....
Hob: p-Pippet! Your here too?
Pippet: What's going on? What did you do?
Hob: N-nothing! I didn't...I...I don't know. We were at the battlefield and now all of the sudden we're here...Alenia was gonna get killed an I....
Pippet: That was made out of a Root...Do you think it teleported us here?
Hob: Maybe...either that or we're dead...
Pippet: I'm not ready to be dearly departed....
Pippet: And...where is here anyways?
Hob: I'm not sure, it looks like a void of some kind. Theres nothing here.
Pippet: Well that can't be right, there is something here.
Hob: Huh?

I looked over behind my head and there was in fact, something there

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I looked over behind my head and there was in fact, something there.
Hob: What is that?
I couldn't tell what it was at all. It looked all disoriented and mangled. It was big, but not as big a Titan. Maybe like a miniature Titan. It was a a teal like green color, and it was mostly covered in soft looking fur. Well at least up until the neck.
There was no fur on the neck, only blood. Something large looked like it tore through its esophagus. It's eyes were hollowed out and there was blood coming from its empty eye sockets.
It's dead.
Hob: Ew....
Pippet: What do you think it was?
Hob: I...don't know...I haven't seen any creature like this before.
I approached the dead body carefully. It looked a lot bigger up close, maybe it was the size of a Titan. I gently touched its fur, it was kinda soft but for some reason it felt like it had some kind of grease in it.
Pippet: How did this even get here?
Hob: I don't know, I wish it were alive though. Then maybe it could tell us how to get out of here.
Something had happened. A pale green light begun to cover the body. It was very similar to the light that appeared when me and the Dog did the resurrection spell and brought Other Florian back to his senses. Is that what was happening now?
When the light faded the gash in the creatures neck had disappeared and it's eyes were closed. There was no blood anywhere.
Pippet: Uhhhh.....I um...I think your wish came true.
Hob: What the frick.....
The creature didn't move at first but it started breathing again. It's breathing was very quiet and low, you would have to listen carefully in order to hear it. Then, it opened its eyes.
It had big bright teal eyes. They stared down at us, and was a little eerie...then it got up.
I hadn't realized how short it's legs were, and it's arms were only just a couple inches longer than it's legs. It looked kinda like a big green bear...
Hob: Erm...hello? Can you tell us where we are?
It just stood there and stared at us. For a second I thought it couldn't hear me but then it spoke in a very, very slow voice.
???: Ah, you found me.
Hob: Excuse me?
???: At last, I was wondering when I could leave this place.
Hob: Wait, who are you? And what is this place?
???: don't know me?
Hob: Nope, nadda.
Pippet: You were dead for a moment, what happened?
???: Dead...? No...that...that can't be...
Hob: Well you were, your throat was ripped open and your eyes were missing.
Pippet: What happened?
???: I...I don't...know....
???: I must have been gone for a while haven't I?
Hob: Who are you?
???: Prodigy is my name, I know it's a word to describe someone really remarkable, but it's not really my choice of words.
Hob: Okay, Prodigy, can you tell us where we are?
Prodigy: I haven't been able to figure that out's a place alright, and a very quiet one. But I will say this, when I first got here it wasn't white and bright, it was dark and cold.
Pippet: What changed?
Prodigy: A lot of things world is no longer what it used to be. It's not the same...
Hob: What?
Prodigy: It's quite a long story really, and a very boring one at that. It involves magic, monsters, and uhhh....a third thing...I think it was math.
Pippet: Do you know how we can get out of here?
Prodigy: Yes....I do know a way. I can help you both leave this place, but before I do...there is something you must know...
Prodigy: There is a war going on in your world yes?
Hob: Yeah...well not ours specifically, but another one we came too...
Prodigy: I has been so, so long sense this happened...but time doesn't heal all wounds I have learned...
Pippet: What exactly happened to you? You look vaguely familiar...I think I saw something like you on the cover of a book one time.
Prodigy: I will tell you what happened, and I'll cut out the none important parts.
Prodigy: Alright...I will start with the earliest thing I can remember...
Prodigy: *ahem*
Prodigy: Once Upon a Time....

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