Prologue / Guardians of the Book

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Warning : Blood, gore , and death.

The five moons shimmered in the starry sky. Dustwing shook out his large ebony wings. He looked to the left and saw two white dragons flying towards him. They beat their wings harder, obviously wanting something from him.

 Dustwing froze, patting the bag holding the Book of Alti. He had to get out of here. Dustwing launched into the sky, beating his wings hard with determination. 

Thank the spirits for his oversized wings that weighed him down on the ground but sped him forward in the sky. 

When Dustwing lost them he landed to drink in an oasis, he relaxed and put his guard down, and that was his fatal mistake. 

The IceClan spies landed hard on the ground behind him. He whirled around, hissing in surprise "Hand over the book," the blue one hissed. "No," he said though his gut was screaming 'say yes!'. "Then let us do this the hard way," The white dragon smirked "Tundra?" The white one said. "On your command, Berg," Tundra winked at Dustwing. 

Dustwing backed up, his foot slipping into the water. Berg lashed his tail and Tundra jumped at him.

She pinned him down, one of his wings on the sand, one in the water. Tundra stepped on his tail, making him unable to stab her with the poisonous tip. "I'm feeling merciful today so I'll kill you quickly. She raised both her talons to slice open his throat.

Dustwing lurched upwards and threw her off of him. She landed in the sand a few yards away. Dustwing looked behind him to see Berg stalking him. He bolted to Tundra, pinned her down, and raised his tail, driving the poisin-tipped spike through her heart. She squealed with pain and went limp. 

"TUNDRA!" Berg roared his eyes wide with fear. Berg hissed with horrifying rage. 

Dustwing stepped back suddenly afraid. Berg was at least two times bigger than him. Berg circled him, wings spread out. Dustwing poised his tail dangerously. Berg took an experimental strike at him. Dustwing side-stepped. Berg smiled. "you're going to regret this," 

Berg lunged at him, disabling his left-wing in three quick strikes. Dustwing shrieked in pain as bright red blood dribbled from his wounds. Dustwing jumped forward raking his claws across Berg's snout. 

Berg smacked him with his wings, feathers flying in Dustwing's face. Dustwing flailed his wings for balance and skidded to a halt. 

Berg dragged his talon away from his face to reveal claw marks across his face. Blood ran down his snout. 

Berg flapped his white-feathered wings and roared. Berg launched himself at Dustwing, hissing. Dustwing took his chance to stab Berg. his tail missed his heart but scratched his shoulder. Berg cried out in pain and fury. 

Berg latched himself on Dustwing with his serrated teeth, his blue eyes filled with pain and fury. Dustwing's eyes widened in fear as Berg raised his talon. Berg ripped out Dustwing's throat, blood splattering his talons, and Dustwing, the last protector of the book, was killed. 

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