Chapter 2 / Unknown

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Saphira curled into a ball a branch above the nest. Cadmus lept up to the nest and spread himself out on the perimeter of it. Saphira rested her head on her talons and closed her eyes.

Almost at once, Saphira fell into a dream. 

She was in a metal room with torches on either side. A grey storm dragon stood on the far side of the room. 

"Welcome to my home, Saphira," The dragon smiled in the flickering light. 

"Who are you?" She asked, her voice quivering. 

"I'm so glad you asked. My name is Parodia," she replied. 

"Where are you? I can find you!" Saphira cried.

 She smiled. "I love your bravery, Saphira, but I'm afraid I'm far past your help," Parodia said sadly. "But don't waste your time on me, The world is in danger," She said. 

"It dosen't seem to be," Saphira argued. 

"It won't seem to be wrong until it is too late. Saphira do you know of the book of Alti?" she asked. 

"Yes, it's a dragonet story," Saphira answered.

 "Good, what do you think would happen if it were real? And what if someone used it for bad things?" Parodia continued.

 "Well it's no real," Saphira said. 

"The book is real, and it has been stolen," she said.

Saphira stared at the grey dragon in disbelief. "No way. You're lying," she said with an uneasy grin. 

"I wish I were, Saphira, I really do," Parodia's wings dropped to the ground, and she hung her head. 

"But -," Saphira started. 

"It will begin tomorrow," She said. "WAIT!" Saphira cried spreading her wings. Parodia cupped her talons and produced a ball of light. She pushed it to Saphira. The orb floated into her chest. "Farewell, Saphira. The world is counting on you," Parodia smiled and waved her claw in farwell.


Saphira's eyes snapped open and she stirred finding herself covered in a cold sweat. Cadmus was snoring quite loudly and had rolled onto his back. She jumped onto the nest, teetering over the edge.

"Cadmus, Wake uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup," Saphira yelled in his ear, shaking his shoulders.

 "WHA!" Cadmus said jerking upwards. His head hit hers. 

"OW!" she yelped. 

"There's food," she said holding her head.

 He grumbled an apology and leapt from the branch. Saphira folowed  off the nest and sat near the fire. Saphira set down an assortment of berries on a flat rock as Cadmus stretched.

Saphira's vision blurred suddenly. Her legs buckled beneath her as a pulsing headache hit her. She clutched her head as pictures crowded her vision. Fields in flames, Dying dragons, Her, a silver dragon, a purple dragon and a golden dragon being swallowed by snow, The dream.

Her vision cleared, her ears ringing and she found herself in Cadmus's arms. 

"Please be okay," he said looking down at her with concern. 

Saphira binked twice, her head throbbing. 

"Saphira?" he said 

"Yes?" she groaned. 

He sighed with relief, feeling her forehead. 

"Are you okay? Does this happen often? How many claws am I holding up?" he worried. Cadmus held up two claws 

"I'm fine, I'm fine," Saphira stood, her legs wobbly 

"Just lay down," he said flying up to the nest. Cadmus carefully put her down. Saphira closed her eyes and fell into a dreamless sleep.

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