Chapter 7 / Companion

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Saphira and Cadmus settled on the sandy shoreline of the lake. Saphira swept the sand into piles around her spot. She laid down, put her bag beside her, and rested her head on her talons. She closed her eyes and felt that they were being watched. 


Dawn nestled in a tree, his wings spread out to soak up the sun. As he was about to close his eyes he spotted two strange colors that were not natural; green and black. "What's that" Dawn asked himself, wrinkling his nose. Two strange dragons next to his territory! He spread his wings and circled the two dragons.


Saphira woke from a surprisingly dreamless sleep. She felt a shadow over her. Saphira looked up. A dragon circled the lake, its shadow falling over her. 

She stood and bounded across the sand to Cadmus. Saphira shook him awake. "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat," He groaned. "Look," she whispered. He looked up and shock filled his eye. 

The dragon landed suddenly, right in front of her. Saphira stepped back, scowling. The new dragon's wings gleamed in the sunlight. His golden scales looked like rays of sunlight in the light. His eyes were deep blue and scars ran across his left eye and tail.

 "Who are you?" he asked her. "I'm Saphira and this is Cadmus," Saphira snapped, lashing her tail. "Maybe you should be a little kinder, this is the border of my territory,"  He answered stepping forward. Cadmus stepped up. "We're not in your territory so go stick your shiny snout into a log," Cadmus growled.  

Saphira smothered a laugh. "Oh THANK YOU," the stranger roared. Cadmus narrowed his eyes. "Leave now or your gonna get it black face," the stranger taunted. 

Cadmus roared and barreled the stranger over, smoke rising from his nostrils. He flapped his wings, a sign of strength, and lunged for his neck.  The other dragon rolled to his feet and shook the sand from his wings.  Cadmus spun around and raked his tail across his side. Bright golden blood smeared his golden scales. The dragon roared and blasted fire at Cadmus. The fire brushed Cadmus's side and he hissed with pain. 

Saphira needed to stop this. She suddenly heard Paroidia, Call the fire within, Saphira. It will be there. trust in yourself. Call the fire and think of what you want to do. Stay calm. 

Saphira closed her eyes and searched for some warmth inside. She felt a glowing ember. Saphira called forth a fire. Newfound energy surged through her bones. She wanted them to hear her and stop. Saphira let out a cry. The cry sounded like a horn being blown but three times louder. 

Suddenly the two winched and covered their ears. They looked at her with confusion in their eyes. "What in the name of OverClan was that!?" The golden dragon shrieked. 

Saphira decided to use this leverage. "Me," Saphira said smirking. His eyes widened. "The-the flame bearer," he said his voice full of fear. "You haven't told me your name yet," she noticed. "It's Dawn," he snarled. 

Keep him with you, he's one of the chosen.  Parodia whispered. 

"Cadmus, can I talk to you?" Saphira asked. "Sure," he answered, still mystified. 

Saphira walked out of earshot. "Cadmus I've been hearing this voice in my head, she keeps on telling me the world is in danger," Saphira confessed. 

Cadmus looked at her with astosisment. "What?" she snapped. "I've been having the same thing, and her name is Arcid," Cadmus said. 

Then Saphira realized that she'd been dragged into something much bigger than escaping the Clans' wrath.

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