Chapter 11 / Missing

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The salty ocean breeze whipped over her face and sprayed her scales with a saline mist. Dawn flew just a few tail lengths above the glittering ocean. He dragged his claw through the waves, sending up a spray. Cadmus glided above the sea, his wings stirring the waters.

Cadmus' wingbeats faltered, and he fell into the ocean. moments later he resurfaced, spluttering. 

Dawn hadn't said a word since she talked to him a day ago. He hadn't even made any eye contact with her or Cadmus.

Sea lizards lept in and out of the sparkling waves, squeaking and chirping cheerfully to each other

Something made a large splash, probably a dolphin or a whale breaching.

After a few more minutes she checked behind her. Cadmus glided above the water's surface. Dawn was nowhere to be seen.

"DAWN!" Saphira yelped, her wingbeats faltering.Cadmus glanced behind him.

She dived into the water, the cold salty liquid chilling her to the bone. A few feet in front of her bubbles floated to the surface. images of Dawn flashed through her mind. Saphira looked into the dark depths of the ocean. Three shapes were visible in the gloomy water. Two were moving and the other... the other drifted like prey.

Saphira paddled to the surface, her eyes brimming with tears. Cadmus Hovered close next to her, his face solemn as he gazed at her.

"Is he..." Cadmus's voice trailed off leaving the two in a horrible stifling silence.

"I don't know," Saphira's voice quivered. 

Cadmus looked at her, unsure of what to do.

"Let's keep moving," Cadmus wiped a tear off her snout. 

"F-for Dawn," she said hovering in the air hesitantly before taking off after Cadmus.

                                                                                          .  .  .

Atlantis hauled a shining golden dragon onto the beach, sand sticking to his shimmering scales. 

"What is he?" A lean yet muscular bee-like dragon asked, wrinkling her speckled red nose as if she smelled something unpleasant.

"I have no idea, Adder," The beautiful deep blue dragon replied, as she checked the golden dragon's breathing.

A  graceful dragon with galaxies in her scales and wings stepped forward curiously, "will he be okay, Atlantis?"

The blue dragon turned to the slender dragon, "I think so, Firefly" she said.

An iridescent teal butterfly-like dragon stepped forward and inspected the stranger. "Look at his eye!" he yelped pointing to his left eye, which was crisscrossed with scars. 

Firefly flinched, "that must have hurt."

A deep green dragon with light green wings splashed water onto the stranger's face.

"Ceader!" Firefly yelped.

The stranger's tail twitched, his light blue eyes snapping open as he coughed up a lungful of salt water.

"See?" Ceader gave Firefly a toothy grin.

"Who are you?" he croaked.

The dark blue dragon stepped forward "My name is Atlantis. This is Adder," she pointed to a scowling bee-like dragon.

"That's Azule," she pointed to a shimmering turquoise butterfly-like dragon.

"Ceader," Atlantis pointed at a snarling deep green dragon

"Scorpion," she pointed to a pale yellow dragon with black markings and a barbed tail.

"and Firefly, " she pointed to a beautiful slender dragon with deep purple scales and galaxies in her wings and frills.

"Now, Who are you?" Atlantis asked.

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