Chapter 8/ Secrets

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"Well, I think Dawn needs to come with us," Saphira said. "Well, he's surely terrified of you," Cadmus answered. "That's good though, isn't it?" Saphira asked. "I suppose," he answered. "Will we take him then?" she said. "I guess. I mean you could get rid of him whenever you want," Cadmus said with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Cadmus!" she giggled.

Saphira walked to Dawn. "You may come with us if you wish," Saphira told him. Dawn nodded and looked at her, his eyes shining. Saphira stepped back and closed her eyes in confusion. 

Saphira spread her wings and lifted off. Cadmus lept into the sky, beating his black wings. They soared above the clouds, the sun beating on her back. Saphira smiled at  Cadmus and opened her wings to their full length. She sped forwards, racing in front of Cadmus. 

"Try to catch me!" she cried in delight.   Cadmus smiled and chased after her. Dawn flapped his wings, zooming forwards. Saphira dipped her wings and tucked into a steep dive. The wind whipped by her ears as she narrowed her eyes against the current. 

Birds scattered as she zoomed towards land.  Saphira opened her wings, stopping her fall. She flapped her wings, gaining speed. Saphira looked behind her. No one was following. Then suddenly Cadmus burst out of the clouds and landed on top of her. 

"Eep!" Saphira shrieked. "Got you," he said, hovering in front of her. He smiled at her, making her heart flutter. She looked down, blushing. Dawn soon zoomed out of the clouds, his shiny wings blinding her. 

"We have to cross an ocean so let's rest on the shore," Saphira called over the wind.  Cadmus nodded and steered toward the shore.

The hot sandy beach felt good on her stiff claws. Saphira swept her tail over the sand, making a small ditch in the beach. "It's gonna be cold tonight, so we might need to sleep close to each other for warmth," Cadmus suggested. 

Saphira nodded, uncertainty in her eyes. She curled in a ball on the cooling grains and felt Cadmus press up against her side. Saphira saw Dawn settle down a tail length away from her, his eyes clouded with jealousy. 

She closed her eyes and fell into a dream.

She was in a maze of thorn bushes with blood-red berries in their branches. The moon was blood red and not a star was in sight. "

"Parodia? Dustwing?" Saphira cried out. A horrible laugh filled her ears. She yelped in fear. Saphira looked at her feet the see a trail of blood. She tensed and stepped forwards, following the trail. Saphira turned and stopped, a gasp escaping her jaws. Cadmus lay dead in front of her and standing over his body with stained claws and blood dripping from his mouth was... Dawn.

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