Chapter 19 / The Sun's Shadow

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Dawn led Firefly through the cavernous hallways of the palace. Once bright corridors were now dim, lit only by the flickering light of torches. 

"Do you always eat in the great hall?" Firefly asked, her amber eyes glittering in the torchlight.

"No, only when we have guests or if I'm bored of sitting in the library."

Firefly was nearly trotting, struggling to keep up with Dawn's long stride. He smiled to himself and stopped at a heavy wooden door similar to the one leading to the library, except that this one was made of light birch wood. 

He pressed on the doors, muscles tensed against the weight. They slowly opened to reveal a large room. A long gold-painted table stacked with plates stretched before her. cushioned chairs lined either side. At the head of the table was a larger, more elaborate chair encrusted with gold. Upon the throne was a dragon almost identical to Dawn, if not for his eyes and aura. 

Although Dawn was a god, he suppressed his aura to a certain extent. Helios didn't care. He let his golden power flood over everyone. Helios's power and age shone in his golden eyes.

Dawn felt Firefly's wings brush against his side as she made a not so subtle sidestep toward him. Her prehensile tail was curled at her side, and her frills were tightly folded at her neck.  Feeling slightly protective, he shifted so his wing was hovering over her, and used a little power to clear her senses of Helios's imposing aura. 

"Dawn. I see you have one of your new friends here. What of the others?" Helios climbed from his throne and walked towards them, his head held high with dignity and grace.

"I sent Stun to retrieve them," Nova said, emerging from behind Helios's throne.

Helios twisted his head to look at her, "Thank you."

With a dip of her head, she sat next to where Helios stood. 

"What is you're name, starry dragon?" Helios looked down at Firefly.

"F-Firefly, your Highness."

Helios smiled at her. "Why don't you take a seat, Firefly," he gestured to the various open seats behind him.  

Dawn did not so much as dip his head as he addressed Helios "Father."

He walked to the seat on the right close to the middle of the table and took a seat, tucking his wings in neatly. Firefly followed after him, taking the seat to the right of his chair.

The doors opened again, and Stun walked into the hall, followed by the rest of Firefly's companions.

Atlantis took a seat next to Firefly and began quietly speaking to her. Adder sat next to Atlantis, looking very agitated. The rest all sat side-by-side.

Helios took his seat at the head, Koda sat at his right, Stun at his left, and Nova next to Stun. No guards stood by the doors, only two on the outside. Helios had no need for guards.

Dishes were uncovered, delicacies from around the continent let off arrays of scent. Firefly made to grab a fruit on a dish, but Dawn put out an arm to stop her. She looked up, tilting her head. Dawn held up a paw, turning to Helios.

"I have already had the pleasure of meeting Firefly a few moments back. I'm curious to know about all of you. Tell me all your names, and were you come from," Helios gestured for Atlantis to start.

"I'm Atlantis. I come from the Dark sea on the Far Continent."

"I'm Adder. I come from the forests of Iylaindia on the Far Continent."

"My name is Scorpion. I lived in the wastes of the Dry Ocean."

"I am Azule, I live in the forests of Iylaindia."

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