Chapter 23 / King of the Sun

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Sunlight reflected off gold inlaid into the walls. A large, golden dragon sat sprawled across the throne. White was speckled on the underside of his wings, and a white circle was behind his blue eyes. A crown made from white metal sat atop his head. Each spike had a topaz jewel at its tip and along the base. 

Saphira stopped at Dawn's side, her head down. 

 Dawn bent his neck so his breath tickled her ear. "Take three steps forward and bow," he whispered, touching his tail to hers.

Saphira took three tentative steps forward and bowed as low as she could, spreading her wings slightly. She waiting, her hear pounding wildly in her ears.

Finally Helios spoke, his deep voice filling the hall, " I received the message sent to me about The Guardians of the Alti and my book. I am seriously troubled by this. Do you truely know what the Book of Alti is?"

"I know only that it holds great power, Your Highness," Saphira kept her head down.

"Rise," Helios commanded. 

Saphira stood, her wings shaking as Helios strode from his golden throne. He snapped his talons, making Saphira flinch. A glowing blue orb materialized in the space between them.

"You may see it cruel, but I feel more concern over the loss of the book than that of the guardians. I see how you know about this. Parodia's spirit walks beside yours," with a flick of his claws, the shimmering, ghostly form of Parodia appeared beside her.

"I am sorry, Helios. We failed you and the other Arch dragons. I feel it is only right that I should try to right my fatal mistake," Parodia said, her voice not heard by sound, but by mind.

"Although this is troubling, Parodia, I am not in the least angry with you. Have you spoken with Dustwing? He was the last guardian."

"I have. He seems to blank out or break down whenever I ask him. It is weird. As a spirit, I can usually locate items if I know what they look like, but I can't seem to find the Alti."

Helios sat before the orb, the circles behind his eyes glowing white. Multicolored lights swirled from the orb. all other light in the room vanished, the windows going dark, and the only light was from the orb. 

Saphira  gawked at the lights that now were swirling to form a picture.  

An ebony dragon stood on a dune in a winding desert. He had large, dusty-colored wings that dragged by his side, sand collecting between the ridges of his scales. He looked young, his hazel eyes bright, and spiked tail twitching. He clutched an empty, worn leather satchel to his chest.

"That is Dustwing 13 years ago." Parodia said sadly. "He is waiting for Grace.

As if on queue, a stunning, dark grey dragon landed on the sand beside him, her four wings stirring up a flurry of sand. She had amber eyes and her scales glittered with the tint of blue. Her wings were an electric blue splattered with black at the edges, and her neck was arched slightly. She looked like a sapphire glittering in the sun's rays. 

"Are you ready for your mission?" Grace asked, her voice smooth and angelic.

"Yes." Dustwing replied.

Grace pulled a worn book from her bag. Its cover was inscribed with gold letters in a language Saphira did not recognize. Even through the picture, she could sense its wrongness and power.

The scene changed to a large room with a gold painted dome-like ceiling and paintings of glorious battles, feasts, peace, mountains, animals and more. A large circular table was set in the middle. Chairs were gathered around the table, each one filled with one dragon from each tribe, including the Angelic and Demonic, and a odd looking dragon. 

The Angelic dragon spoke first. "Too many dragons are killed glancing upon our true power. Something needs to be done."

"We could simply put a damper on our power," the sea dragon suggested.

"Not a bad idea, Amphitrite. Although, I vote we don't worry about it and carry on with life the way it is."

"We can't do that, Erebus, and you know that."

Erebus shrugged, smirking. His crimson wings shone like blood.

The strange dragon spread her green and yellow shimmery wings, drawing the attention of the other dragons. "What if we combine our powers into a book or something and have it guarded by a chosen guard?"

The assembled dragons pondered this.

"I like it, Elpis." the fire dragon said.

"I don't. I want all of my power with me," the ice dragon said.

Everyone began talking over one another, yelling, and even throwing things.

The scene cut out and the lights from the orb faded, the windows flooding yellow light into the room.

"I will probably call for the council of the gods soon. I will bring you and Dawn. this is just a preview of what it's usually like," Helios smiled, somehow charming and frightening at the same time.

Dawn cleared his throat. "Is this such a good idea? The meeting and all? The gods haven't gathered in what, 2,000 years? That's before the sun wars. "

Helios stood and walked towards Dawn, sighing, "it probably will not end well, but they deserve to know what happened."

Dawn looked at Dawn and then at Firefly without speaking. His head was tilted in thought.

"If you wish to, you may bring this starry dragon with you. You seem to be attached to her tail," Helios said, patting Firefly between the horns gently.

Firefly's amber eyes were wide, and her wings tense. Dawn's eyes were vaguely surprised, but his ears and his cheekbones were colored pink. 

Despite herself, Saphira smiled at him.

Helios turned from the two dragons, smiling thinly, "prepare your things. We leave for the council of the gods in two days time."

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