Chapter 10 / The Fear

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She stood on the sandy beach where the forest gave way to a small grove of thorns and red berry bushes. Cadmus was lying on the sand, breathing in short, agonized gasps. Dawn stared at her, one talon on the bush.

"WHAT IS THIS!" she cried in anger and fear. Dawn flinched. "We-" he started. "YOU ATTACKED HIM!" Saphira lashed her tail, tears in her eyes. "GO!" she hissed, swiping at him with her gleaming claws.

He jerked backward and bolted. Saphira walked to Cadmus's side, tears streaming down her face. She placed her paw on his side. The red on his scales was sticky and smelled like... yew berries.

She stifled a gasp. Saphira wrenched his jaw open and sure enough, there was red yew pulp on his tongue.

She scraped all the vermilion juice off his tongue. Saphira ran around the edge of the clearing searching for dock leaves. At last, she found a small cluster growing in a small corner. Saphira broke the dark green stems off the stiff leaves and ran to Cadmus. She shoved it into his mouth. Seconds later his throat convulsed and he vomited. Saphira dragged him to the shore and splashed the salty water on his face and chest.

Dawn walked over to her, his face nervous. He should be. I'm going to destroy him, Saphira thought, letting out a low growl. She lashed her tail angrily. "What do you want?" she growled, narrowing her brown eyes.

"Uh, um..." he stammered, his body tense with fright.

"Well?" Saphira snapped. She dug her claws deep into the sand and arched her neck menacingly.

"I uh just wanted t-to tell you what happened," he said quietly, his tail tucked between his legs.

"Tell me then," she retorted.

"W-well Cadmus and me, we were looking for w-wood. W-we were hungry and saw these red berries. S-so we ate them and he j-just collapsed. I don't know w-why," he sputtered, his left paw raised slightly in defense.

"Did you think perhaps that they were yew berries?" Saphira hissed, deadly serious.

"N-no," he said, shaking with fear. "Stupid," she muttered under her breath. She lashed her tail and stomped away. 

Saphira lay next to Cadmus as he trembled, his scales cold and sweaty to the touch. She grasped his talon in her own and draped her wing over his back. Cadmus's eyes flickered open. His eyes darted to her face then back to the sand beneath his smokey-grey claws. 

He leaned to the ocean and lapped a few drops before spiting the salty water out. Saphira stood and took his talon in her own.

"Come on, stand up," she said helping Cadmus to his feet. 

Saphira looked over her shoulder. Dawn was absently picking up wet sand and watching it drip through the gaps in his talons. 

He looked up to the sun and murmured something inaudible. A small silver drop glistened on his cheek and fell to the sand. He's crying, Saphira realized, feeling a sharp stab of pity for the golden dragon.

Saphira started to take a step forward but stopped, hesitating. Does he even want my sympathy? She asked herself. Saphira shook her head furiously.

She walked over to where Dawn's shape was slouched over the water. His wings were shivering slightly. Saphira laid her talon on his wing and looked down at him. Dawn lifted his head and fixed her with his brilliant blue eyes, now dull and despairing. silver tears ran down his face and dripped onto the sand.

"I'm sorry, Dawn. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings," Saphira said quietly. "No, It's not just you. I'm just dealing with a lot," Dawn said then clenched his talons in the sand. "I lost-" He began to cry again, his wings quivering with each shaky breath he took. Dawn straightened up and bit his lower lip. "I can't keep doing this," He narrowed his eyes and evened his breathing. 

Saphira looked at him nervously. Dawn was trying to bury his problem under layers of strength but Saphira could see horrible sadness in his bright blue gaze.

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