Chapter 21 / Arrival

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Saphira and Eclipse had been ushered to the throne room.  Upon a white marble dais sat a golden throne, and beside that one, a smaller golden throne. Large stained glass windows let multicolored light into the room, reflecting off golden accents in the walls.

A one eyed dragon sat next to the throne, speaking with another dragon quietly.  "King Helios is not present at the time. His son shall speak to you," She said, her voice echoing around the large room.

A purple dragon emerged from the area behind the throne. Stars shimmered in her wings and frills. Silver speckled her snout, and her amber eyes twinkled. She looked like the night sky incarnate.

Beside her was a creme colored dragon. Gold freckled his snout and wings. Muscles rippled under his scales. His blue eyes were crinkled, and he was smiling. He look forward, and his entire face changed. The air became thick, and invisible force pressed against her.

The anger she felt pulsing from this dragon, This dragon was angry because she had left him  for dead. This dragon was Dawn.

He stalked forward, a crown glinting atop his head. The purple dragon took a step forward, reaching for him. She seemed to give up, setting her talons on the ground.

The ground seemed to rumble with each step the prince took. "Saphira," He snarled, menace in every letter. "You and your lying friend left me for dead. Where is he by the way?" Dawn was now in front of her, his head drawn up, and tilted down. His tail lashed two and fro. 

Then Eclipse saved her, "Um, Your Highness-" 

Dawn's head snapped in her direction, "It's Prince Dawn. That is my father's title."

"My apologies Prince Dawn. I must ask you politely to put your personal disputes asside and hear us out."

"Well spoken. Very well. I shall listen to you. Then I shall send word to King Helios. You will stay here and wait for his return. You need not leave," Dawn turned from her and took a seat atop the golden throne. He looked down at the two dragons, gesturing with his tail for Saphira to begin. 

"The only message I have for Lord Helios is this; The guardians of the Alti have been murdered and his book has been stolen. The details are sparse, but perhaps it should have meaning to King Helios," Saphira bowed her head, talons quivering. 

"You there! Yes you. You got all that? Write it down and have it sent to the Solis Urbs." Dawn snapped.

 Saphira heard the sound of retreating steps. 

"You may rise." Saphira looked up, her eyes fixed on Dawn. He leaned over the side of the throne, whispering something to the one-eyed dragon. The female answered him, and he sat up once more. He the looked to the purple dragon, gesturing for her to come as he climbed from the throne. 

"There is a room available for you two. I shall escort you," he walked past Eclipse, the purple dragon trailing after him. 

Saphira turned around, and with a glance at Eclipse, she walked forwards. Eclipse fell into step beside her, silence enveloping them. Firefly spoke to Dawn in a concerned tone. She was looking up at him, nearly trotting to keep pace with him. She had a frustrated expression on her face, for Dawn gave her no answer.

Suddenly Dawn stopped at a door, "This is your room. There is a button to call for a servant. if you need me, send a servant. I am not going anywhere." He opened the door, and the moment Saphira and Eclipse had entered the room, he let it close. 

"What. Was. That?" Eclipse hissed.

"I know Dawn," Saphira mumbled.

"It would've been nice to know he hated you!" Eclipse shouted.

"I didn't know he was a prince! And I thought he was dead!" Saphira snarled.

"We could have died."

"I know!"

"I'm not going to deal with you right now," She stomped to the table, writing on a blank piece of parchment.

Saphira snarled at her, turning to one of the beds pressed against opposite walls. She collapsed on the pillows, exhaustion taking hold.

Golden dunes stretched far and wide. A golden dragon sat at a peak. 

"Saphira," She said.

"What else do you need me to do now?"Saphira snapped.

"I've come to tell you thank you for helping me. You have done well. For now, you may rest. But know, this is not the end."

The vision faded in a whirlwind of sand.

"It never is, is it?" Saphira whispered to the winds.

A chuckle, "No," came the soft reply.

                                                                             . . .

Firefly gritted her teeth. She was frustrated, really, really frustrated. Dawn was speed walking to his rooms, his aura so full of anger. He was ignoring her as well. 

"Slow down please."

Dawn didn't slow down. Firefly hissed and quickened her pace. She swerved in front of him and spun around to face him. 

"DAWN!" Firefly snapped at him.

He stopped, the anger less visible but still there. His face portrayed confusion.

"Listen to me! I don't like being ignored, Dawn. Just because you are angry does not mean you can take it out on me!"

Dawn looked taken aback, "I-I'm sorry."

Firefly's breathing was fast. She closed her eyes, trying to steady her breath, "You were really scary today. I really don't think Saphira meant to leave you, Dawn. Tomorrow, talk to her. Please."

Dawn's throat bobbed. He nodded, the anger now completely gone, replaced with guilt.

Firefly began walking again, Dawn following after her.

"I-I really am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you," Dawn was beside her now, his eyes pleading and sorry.

Firefly huffed, looking away, "Alright alright, no need to give me the puppy eyes."

"Puppy eyes?!" He looked teasingly hurt.

She rolled her eyes as Dawn opened the door to a different room. 

"What's this?" She asked.

"This is the arts quarter. I had it put together when my father became king. Only two other dragons know about this place," Dawn held open the door for her.

The smell of paint and clay swamped her. Easels were folded against one wall, finished pictures on another. Varying canvas sized were leaning next the the door. A paint stained table was set up in the middle of the room, and pots dried on shelves. A sink and a few cupboards were on one wall, paintbrushes and dirty paint pallets scattered across them.

"I don't know if you like art, but... I needed to come here to cool down. You can return to your rooms, if you wish to. Its three doors down after the split hallway," Dawn wandered to a cupboard, taking out brushes and paints.

"I would like to stay. Do you have a small canvas I can use?"

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