Chapter 22 / Gold Paint

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Saphira sat under a tree in the royal gardens. The tree was like a willow, but its leaves were purple. The sound of crunching gravel caught her attention. Saphira felt a burst of panic when she saw Dawn.

Dawn's neck was less tense, and his wings were folded at his sides. He walked towards her, stopping when he was next to her. Saphira watched him with wary eyes as he sat beside her.

"I'm sorry," he said simply, picking up a nearby ladybug and bringing it to his eye level.

Saphira tipped her head, not trusting herself to speak.

"Firefly told me I should hear you out, so here I am, hearing you out,"  Dawn watched as the ladybug flew off his claw.

Saphira realized he was waiting for her to speak. "When we-You, me, and Cadmus-were flying over the ocean, I guess I wasn't paying attention. I heard a splash, but I had dismissed it as a whale or dolphin.  When I had realized you had vanished, I saw you, another dragon and some sort of serpent. You were to far away for me to reach you without passing out myself, and I had thought you were dead. I didn't know weather you had drowned or been killed by the serpent," Saphira's claws curled in the grass.

Dawn nodded, "What happened to Cadmus?" 

"The day after we reached Isle of the Lost, he decided he wanted no more of the questing we had done."

"Hmm," Dawn propped his chin on a talon, his blue eyes fixed on the sky. He then stood, shaking dirt off his pristine scales. "Do you- Do you want to join me and Firefly?"

"Sure. Where?" Saphira stood, her tail sweeping over the grass.

"You'll see," Dawn began walking towards the palace doors, claws soundless against the stone pathway.

                                                                                       . . .

Firefly's claws were splattered with paint. A canvas lay before her, depicting a lush rainforest. vines wrapped around branches, birds flew in splashes of colorful paint, and a jaguar lounged on a branch. In a thin ray of light stood a golden dragon, gazing up at the break in the trees.

She dabbed at the eye of the golden dragon with a light hazel. As Firefly set the brush in a cup of water, the door opened. 

Dawn was stiff and looked incredibly awkward, holding open the door for the sage-green dragon from before. Saphira. 

Firefly got up from her seat at the stool, brushing off her talons. She walked to Saphira, a smile on her face. Saphira met her, and dipping her head, said "my name is Saphira."

"And mine Firefly," She dipped her head in return.

Dawn walked to the canvas he had been working on, so far just a light purple background and the faint outline of two dragons. "Care to paint or carve?" He asked, fidgeting with the golden topaz ring on his left talon.

"Sure. I'll carve."

Dawn walked to the cabinets, humming to himself as he sifted through the contents. He pulled out three wooden blocks of varying sizes. He motioned for Saphira to sit at the stool of the table, and set down the blocks.

"Which one would you like?" Dawn gestured at the stumps.

"I'll take this one, thank you," Saphira tapped the smallest one, no bigger than outstretched talons. 

Dawn took the other two carvings away, and returned them to their spot in the very unorganized cabinet. He took out a couple of metal tools and handed them to Saphira. "I assume you know how to do this?" He said, looking at her from his place to her right.

"Yes," Saphira nodded, beginning to carve as a sand-colored cat jumped on the table, purring. 

"Awww!" Firefly exclaimed, putting her hands to her face.

The cat leaned against a bewildered Saphira, meowing. He leapt onto her wooden block and rubbed his face against her talons.

"Has he no fear?!" Saphira asked, grinning broadly. 

"It seems not," Dawn picked up the cat and set it on his shoulder where it curled up in the crook between his neck and his wing, "This is Sheldon."

Dawn walked carefully back to his spot, picking up a paintbrush and gold paint. Sheldon was purring loudly, his green eyes closed.

Firefly turned her attention back to her painting, unsure of what else she could add. She reached for a thin paint pen and signed her name in the bottom corner.  Leaning over, she asked Dawn in a low whisper, "Do you have a drying rack?"

Dawn looked up from his painting, twitching slightly. 

"Sorry," Firefly whispered. 

Dawn stood, setting down his brush. He walked to the windowsill and pointed to a metal rack, "Here."

Firefly carefully set down her painting and sat next to where dawn had resumed his painting.

"Who is this?" She asked pointing to the largest dragon.

"This is-" He stopped for a minute, taking a shuddering breath, "-Auroral."

Firefly tilted her head. Guilt pulsed from Dawn in waves; flooding, and receding. 

"Wh-" Firefly began, then stopped herself, "-never mind, sorry."

Someone knocked on the door, sending Dawn to his feet. He walked to the door and opened it. A small lemon-yellow dragon appeared in the door. She blinked at Dawn with wide, hazel eyes.

"Your father has arrived, prince," The servant backed away, "He expects you in fifteen minutes."

"Thank you," Dawn said as the lemon colored dragon walked away quickly. Dawn turned his attention on Firefly, "You may come if you wish," Dawn turned his head to face Saphira, "You are most likely expected. Just remember this, Saphira. With Helios, you are always on thin ice. His mood shifts with the breeze, and if you upset him, you will be punished. Do not meet his gaze, and if you do, stand your ground."

Saphira stood, "Should I bring Eclipse?"

"No. You will only waste time finding her. If Helios wants her, he will summon her," with that, Dawn whisked out the room, Saphira and Firefly on his heels. 

As the three neared the doors, Dawn stopped turning to them. "When we enter, Stop when I stop. I will not bow, I will nod. when I nod, you bow, got it? Good. Try not to die." 

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