Chapter 9 / Blame

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Warning : Themes of poison/sickness

Saphira woke abruptly, her eyes wide with fear. She looked at Dawn sleeping peacefully on the beach. She could still see Cadmus's blood dripping from his jaws. Saphira shuddered in fear.

Saphira stood up and stretched, unable to shake the feeling of unease. She sat on the sand and looked down at Cadmus. Saphira could see blood dripping from his side and his glazed eyes. What could this possibly mean? She thought.

She let a tear run down her cheek and fall on the sand. Saphira curled into a ball and shoved her nose into her front talons, quietly sobbing.

She felt Cadmus shift and look at her."Are you okay?" He asked in a nervous tone. Saphira wiped her eyes with her talons. "Y-yeah, I'm fine," she lied, her voice shaking.

He laid down next to her and put his wing over her back. Cadmus swerved his head to look at her and pressed his forehead against hers. What is this leading to? Whatever it is, I'm happy with it. She thought, smiling.

Across from her, she saw Dawn glaring at them through narrowed blue eyes.

Saphira stood and looked down, blushing. Cadmus folded his black wings and stood as well. She walked to the water, her wings dragging on the sand.

Saphira floated in the dark, salty water. She worried about her dream. "What did it mean?" Saphira asked herself quietly. She paddled slowly toward the shore. How far would Dawn go to earn her affection? Would he even kill another dragon? She thought.

Saphira avoided Dawn's eyes. She could not bear to see him like that. Saphira picked up a shell and peered at it. She threw the shell into the water. Saphira walked over to Dawn and Cadmus.

"I'm gonna go hunting," she said quickly and flew away. Saphira looked back and she thought she saw Dawn smiling gruesomely. Her eyes widened and she beat her wings harder, wanting to get away.

She dropped into the pine forest and pointed her nose to the sky, breathing in the scent of prey. Saphira froze and crouched, listening for animals. She heard a deer leaping through the forest swiftly. Saphira slowly crept up on the animal, making no sound. She lept, her claws spread out in a grasping position. Saphira landed on the deer, her razor-sharp talons drawing blood. Her hind legs scrabbled at its soft underbelly, piercing and killing it.

Saphira grabbed her prey with her front talons and lifted off. Suddenly the sky turned ink-black and the sun glared dark red. Trouble is coming, a deep voice rumbled from all directions. Her eyes widened in fear and confusion.

Then the sky returned to normal and the sun shined as if nothing had happened. She felt as if someone had dumped ice-cold water on her head. Saphira sped back to the shore, her catch dangling in her claws.

She saw Dawn's wings reflecting the sun, his lips and teeth stained blood-red. Her breath caught in her throat as he smiled. Then a painful wail arose from the shore. Dawn's face became grim and Saphira saw what he saw. Cadmus was lying on the sand, his dark grey scales splattered with patches of red. 

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