Chapter 17 / A Different Path

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Eclipse sat next to Saphira in the sand. The moon's silver glow illuminated her delicate face. Saphira buried her claws in the sand, still warm from the sweltering sun the day before. 

"I couldn't help but notice your little... argument with your friend. Soooo, are we going to the Mountains?" Eclipse gave her a wide smile. 

Saphira sighed smiling slightly "Yes. Do you know about The Book?"

"Yes! That destiny book? Made by Helios? My mother was obsessed with it," Eclipse's eyes clouded over for a second.

"Is it okay for me to ask what happened...?" Saphira said quietly. 

Eclipse set her jaw, her eyes becoming stormy once again.

"I am at least half Moon dragon, but I never knew my dad. I was an albino dragon, something no one had heard of in over a thousand years. With that albino trait I also gained power. Lots of it. My power scared the dragons in power. They believed me to be a threat to their power and home. So I was thrown out. I went home to get my things, and my mother..." Eclipse's voice hitched, "She told me 'Get out of my house. I never want to see you again.'"

"Oh. My mom was a bit like that too," Saphira told Eclipse, her throat dry.

"Um, anyways. What about the book?" Eclipse changed the topic.

"So the book was stolen, and now we are going to find a dragon named Koda," Saphira handed the portrait to Eclipse.

"I've heard of him. He was King Helios's advisor." 

"Do you know where we might find him?" 

"Yeah..." Eclipse closed her eyes and scrunched up her snout. "I've heard rumors but..."

"What rumors?"

"I trade stuff all over the place, and I heard some of my clients who resided in the City of the Sun talking about a new ruler taking the throne. They said his name was Helios. There was a prince, too, but no one seemed to recall his name. They said that he was the one who killed the previous Queen and all of her heirs except for two." Eclipse shook her head.

"Then, should we go to the Sun Kingdom?"

"Wait, you should know, Koda can't be alive. He would be over 2,500 years old if he were."

"I know he is. He has to be alive." Saphira suddenly felt a lump of worry in her chest. He had to be alive. Right?

                                                                                      . . .

Firefly laid on the colorful cushions of her bed. Why had Dawn not told them about his hiertage? Was he worried that they would see him differently? She certainly didn't. Firefly jumped down from her seat atop her bed. She would go find him. She shouldn't wait for him to come to her.

Firefly walked out the heavy doors of her room and began to search for him.

She had been wandering the halls for only 5 minutes before she realized she had no hope of finding her friend in this grand place. 

She had to be stupid to think that she would have no trouble finding Dawn in this labrinith of a palace. Now she was searching for any dragon at all. Maybe they had a library. Firefly really should have taken Koda's offer for a tour.

Rounding a corner, Firefly slammed into a tall dragon. 

"I'm so sorry!" She yelped, stepping back.

"No worries," He said looking her over.

The dragon was only a little shorter than Dawn. He was a pale orange color similar to the rich chestnut of Koda. His eyes were amber, and three red triangles pointed downwards under his eyes.

"Um, I'm trying to find Dawn... but I really don't know where I am," I said shifting on my feet.

"You're one of Dawn's new friends?" He asked with a strained smile.

"Yes..." I said slowly.

"Okay. So Dawn's quarters are on the west wing of the palace. You are on the edge of the east wing I believe," He pulled out a map from the assortment of pouches around his neck. He opened the map for her. "So Dawn is here, and your friend's quarters are here. We are right here." He tapped the middle of the map. "If you need more copies of these i can find you some before dinner."

"That would be great. Thank you so much," Firefly took the map from his open palm and walked away with a farewell wave.

Opening the map again Firefly traced a claw along the assortment of halls she needed to go through to reach Dawn's quaters..

"Oh I almost forgot, Dawn is in the library. It should be marked," The orange dragon called back, setting her heart racing.

"Thanks!" She called back. 

With a sigh Firefly returned her gaze to the map. This was going to take a long, long while.

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