Chapter 14 / To The Sun

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Cadmus did not return to her tree. Saphira didn't blame him. She had been mean to him, and she regretted it. Dawn's death was not his fault nor her own.

Saphira traced the lines in the bark with a claw. Long shadows filled the forest. Orange evening light drenched the forest. Saphira rested her chin on the bow of a branch. She felt nothing at the moment. She felt empty and hollow.

Letting out a heavy sigh, she closed her heavy eyes.

Saphira woke in a sun-drenched wheat field. A soft, warm breeze ruffled the membrane of her wings. She rose to her feet, finding Parodia sitting in the golden grain field. 

"Hello Saphira," Parodia simply said.

"I killed Dawn. I let him drown," She sobbed

"Well he's not with us here," Parodia said.


"I have important matters to tell you. Your world is falling apart. The book is lost and there is but one dragon who can help you. " 

"Who? Where can we find this dragon?" Saphira asked.

"He is an ancient Sun Dragon, but first you must find his most trusted friend, Koda. You will find Koda in a log cabin in the dense forest next to Seirra Mountains," Parodia handed Saphira a small photo of a chestnut-colored dragon. Instead of spikes along his back, a white fur flowed along his spine, flickering like white-hot flames. his eyes were deep green, and a golden necklace with an emblem dangled at the base of his neck.

"Now go."

The dream faded and Saphira found the tattered photo still in her talons. She studied it closely.  Koda smiled back at her from the picture. Log cabin in the dense forest next to the Seirra Mountains. 

                                                                           . . .

Dawn looked around at the dragons infront of him. "Firefly, Atlantis, and Cedar can go. you guys look a little like a few of the tribes."

Adder hissed. "I want to go too."

"Adder, you look like a bee. No."

Adder snorted and stalked towards the couch.

"The rest of you will be fine on your own, right?" Dawn fiddled with a topaz ring on his claw.

"Yeah, we should be alright." Azule smiled.

"Can Cyclone stay?" Scorpion asked, her beady black eyes pleading.

"Sure, why not. Just don't mess with her. She will bite you." Dawn flicked his tail, and Cyclone flew onto Scorpion's wing. She looked like she was ready to explode with happiness.

"Are you ready to go?" Dawn asked the others.

                                                                             . . .

Firefly followed close behind Dawn as he wove through the sun baked streets of the 'Kingdom of the Sun'. Vendors stood behind small carts or sold goods in a building. An array of scents wafted through the air; Spices, produce, sweets, salt, fish, dirt and a little bit of dragon blood.

Dawn's head had been down the entire time they were walking through the crowded streets. She wondered why he would hide his handsome face.

He walked up to a small shop. In the windows were scarves, cloaks, hats, and clothing. Dawn opened the door. The shop was small and smelled of dust and wool. A yellow skinny dragon smiled at Dawn as he walked in. She had purple circular glasses and wore a  simple amethyst scarf around her wrinkled neck. 

"Dawn! Why it's so good to see your face! You know I miss having you around! What have you been up to?" Her voice was like rain on pavement. Beautiful yet old.

Dawn smiled and hugged her. "Not too much. I actually was hoping to buy a couple of cloaks for my friends." Dawn pulled away from her embrace and looked behind him.

"What a nice group of friends you've got. Of course I can! Do you want to choose some colors?"

After a long while of choosing colors and sizes for them and her friends back at the treehouse they left with three brown bags of clothing. They were walking back towards the gates when a tall muscular dragon put a paw on Dawn's shoulder.

He was huge, at least twice her size. His scales were a light golden and his eyes were the same blue as Dawn's. He had a circle similar to Dawn's behind his eyes. Black scars ran along his neck and body. 

Dawn turned, panic flashing in his eyes. He smiled painfully. 

"Hi Dad..."

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