The secret

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His not who I think he is?What is that supposed to mean?
"Tae,your not making any sense right now."I looked up and saw the worry in his eyes.
What was so bad about Hyunjin,was he a murderer,ex convict maybe?
"Just forget it,just promise me you'll stay away from him,okay?"Tae asked.
"I can't promise you anything Tae." I replied.
Taehyung looked at me with pain in his eyes and left me alone in the lobby.
I looked down at Hyunjins hoodie,he can't be that bad,right?He seems sweet,he even gave me this hoodie.Its probably really expensive.
I was told to come into work today not necessarily for work but for a tour and introduction to the artists.
After finally finding out where the meeting was being held I finally got to meet some of the artists I'd be working with.
I see the first group of people I will be styling.They were gorgeous,I was told that they were a newly debuted girl group.They had the perfect bodies,they're skin,clear.They were everything I wished I was.
I turn around to see a familiar face,he had strong and prominent features.He seemed awfully familiar.
"Uh...yes?"I reply,this person can clearly tell I'm confused about who they are.
"Ah,you probably don't remember me,I'm bangchan."
Not gonna lie I still had no idea who he was.
"From the party."he adds.
Wait,he was the kind dude from the party?
"Oh yeah!I remember you!"I exclaim.
Gosh,that was embarrassing.He must think I'm a total nut job.
"Yeah that's right.So what are you doing here?"he questions me.I stare into his dark brown eyes,they were pretty.They were like a deep pit and you keep on falling deeper and deeper.One could get lost in them.
Oh shit,I just got lost in them!
"Oh right sorry,well I'm here to meet the artists I'll be working with."I answer him after finally coming out of my daze.
"Oh that's interesting,y'know my group and I are actually meeting our stylist here today as well." He says with a bit of a smirk playing in his lips.
Wait what?
"Does that mean,I'm going to be styling your group too?"I question,I'm sure he can tell how confused and scared I am.
"Precisely." I hear another voice call out but this time it's not Bangchan.
"Hi,I'm Yeonjun,I'm one of Chan's group members." he says.
Wow,his gorgeous.His hair is parted in the middle,he has such a full bottom lip,his shoulders,wide and strong.He had a little sparkle in his eyes.
"Nice to meet you Yeonjun,I'm y/n." I reply confidently.
Yeonjun let's out a little chuckle before he speaks again.
"Yes,I'm quite aware of that y/n,well I actually first saw you at the party and to be honest you really caught my attention."he says,this time pulling out his phone and handing it to me.
"What's this for?" I question.
"Your number y/n,your number."he adds with a laugh.
Why was I so stupid?
"Right..."I say and take his phone and type in my number.
I awkwardly hand back his phone to him and he takes it back with a smile and gives me a call.
ring ring*
"Good,just checking if it was real." He jokes.
Just at that instant,the rest of the other members arrive and along with them,Tae and Hyunjin.I avoid eye contact with both of them and just pretend I'm on my phone.Tae has been really sensitive for no reason.He told me to stay away from Hyunjin without any reason.Talk about curing my curiosity.
Tae and I go way back,and if something was bothering him I'd always be the first to know.Whats changed?
I get it,he probably doesn't have much time to share his problems with me right now,it's understandable.Being a idol is a lot of work and you need to sacrifice a lot of your time.
At least I'll be able to spend a bit more time with him now that I'm supposedly his stylist,who would have thought?

"Miss Kim,please come forward and meet your other models."
Right.I stuff my phone into the Hyunjins hoodie pocket.Hyunjins hoodie...I completely forgot that I even had it on.
I turn my attention to the 7 boys standing in front of me.
"Uhm...Hi,I'm y/n and I guess I'll be your stylist from now on"
The boys are instructed to give self introductions.
"Nice to meet you y/n,I'm Hoseok,I look forward to working with you." He says politely.
The next boy steps.
"Hi,I'm Yongbok,but you may call me Felix." He says,he seems really nice and cheerful.
"Hey,I'm Beomgyu,pleasure meeting you,y/n." the third boy says.
Next up was Bangchan.
"I'm Bangchan as you may know but please feel free to call me Chan."
Chan was really sweet I could tell we are going to get along.
Tae was next.This was going to be awkward.He looks to me and gives a small and short smile,it kind of seemed forced.
"I'm Taehyung."
Wait that was all he was going to say?I mean there was really a need for an introduction but he could have been more enthusiastic about it.
Yeonjun was next,which meant Hyunjin was last.
"Hey pretty lady,I'm Yeonjun." He flirts.
Gosh,I felt my cheeks turn red under his gaze.The other members burst out in laughter all except Tae and Hyunjin.
Hyunjin clears his throat and starts his introduction.
"Hey y/n,I'm Hyunjin.By the way I hope my hoodie is comfortable." He says and adds a mischievous wink.
I look down at the hoodie.The other members all let out "oohs".I try to hide my flustered face and let out a little giggle.I look to Tae and he doesn't seem all to happy about all of this.
I can see his uncomfortable so I try to change the topic.
"Uhm well it's great to meet you all.I look forward to working with you all."
I head down to the café in the lobby to get a coffee but I'm stopped in my tracks when I see Hyunjin talking to one of the staff members,they seemed way too close to be friends.
I turn around quickly and am met face to face with Yeonjun.
"Hey there y/n,where you heading to?"
"Uhm,the café but I forgot my bag." I reply.
Yeonjun was hot,I admit it.He seemed really chill to hang out with to,and to be honest if really like to get to know him.
"Well,May I walk with you?" He questions with a charming smile.
Gosh,his smile was going to be the death of me.
"Please do,I might get lost here by myself." I joke.
We walk back and I get my bag and head back down the same passage where Hyunjin was with that girl,only this time they're even closer than before,and by that I mean like full out making out.
My heart dropped as I took in what was happening.Was this what Taehyung meant by him not being who I thought he was?
I act like I don't care and turn my attention to Yeonjun.He seemed unconcerned about what was happening and we continue down through the corridor.
We make our way past Hyunjin when I hear my name again.
I turn to see who it was but it was Hyunjin,he looked at me with a smile on his face like he wasn't just making out with some other girl in front of me.
"Where are you headed?" He asked.
"Café." I added bluntly.
"Cool,can you grab me a ice coffee,I promise I'll pay you back."
"Sure." I say and continue walking with Yeonjun.Not gonna lie,I was kind of bummed about what happened.I mean it's not like we were dating or anything but I still felt betrayed.It wasn't long ago that he was flirting with me.How could he even do that?I frown in confusion as I look down at the floor.
"Y/n,are you okay?"Yeonjun asks.
"Oh,uhm I'm fine."
Oh who am I kidding.
"Well you seem to be bothered about what you saw back there,trust me I can tell."Yeonjun says to me.
He seems to be worried about me.Yeonjun worried about me?
"You can?"I question.
"Yeah and y/n don't worry about it his been like that since his trainee days.It can't be helped."
I look back down at the floor.
Was this what Tae was protecting me from?Has he known all along?
"Y/n hear me out,your gorgeous.Dont waste your time on him,his not worth it.There are plenty of guys waiting for you to pay them attention...take me for example."he says shyly.
"You?" I ask blushing a little.
"Yeah,me.What do you say?Will you give me a chance?"he questions with a hint of excitement.
I look up to him and give him a smile.

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