The gala

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Get a hold of this cutie patootie🤭Anyways thank you all for being so patient with me

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Get a hold of this cutie patootie🤭
Anyways thank you all for being so patient with me.I wanted to upload this chapter even though it's like 12am right now,probably why my eyes were half closed writing this.Oh well! Love you all~

The day has come,the day of the gala.I was super nervous and super excited!Being in front of A-lost celebrities and the stinking rich CEO's.I guess you could say I do feel a bit out of place,at least I do have my other fellow coworkers with me.Besides,I had him with me.

My fiancé.

The gala is starting in 2 hours.It's pretty ironic to think that Hyunjin chose our outfits even though I'm his stylist.The rest of the group have already gotten their suits,they look pretty good if I do say so myself.
Hyunjin was going to pick me up and we'd then arrive together at the actual venue.Apparently he rented out some super expensive car.

The galas venue was to be kept a secret until an hour before the event started,even the the VIP's had no idea where the gala was taking place.This was put in place so that no crazy saesangs could get time to plot anything.

I looked the mirror,adjusting my dress.Hyunjin had a really good eye because this dress was perfect!I sat down at my makeup table and started to do my makeup.I wanted to for a more elegant yet sexy look,a smoky eye seemed like the way to go.I picked up my brush and got to work.While sitting there just doing my makeup and thought popped into my head.
I haven't told Taehyung yet,in fact I haven't even told Rosé either!

Both of them will be there tonight so perhaps I could tell them there?I do plan on wearing my ring afterall so maybe they'll notice it?
After finishing up my eye makeup I moved onto my lips,matching them to my red dress.
"Perfect." I said,getting up from the chair and going to check my phone.
"Oh,it's been an hour,that means the venue should be dropping any second now." I said.
With that came a notification.
"DDP?" I questioned.
Then it hit me.
"Ah ,Dongdaemun design plaza!" I said snapping my fingers.
Well I mean it's not the most "private" place to host one of the biggest events of the year in Seoul but the venue is really nice.Security should be tight so I don't think we'll have any casualties.
People would probably suspect something is going on considering all the cars and security outside but the paparazzi would only be able to arrive a while after the news gets out so our arrival should be pretty smooth.Leaving may be the problem though.
Lost in thought I was awoken by the sound of my doorbell ringing.
I quickly got up and went to go open it,already knowing it would be Hyunjin.
I opened the door and saw Hyunjin standing there in his perfectly tailored suit.
"Wow." He said taking in my appearance.
I giggled.
"You cleaned up pretty well yourself." I joked.
He laughed and walking in.
"Seriously,you're breathtaking." He said greeting me with a kiss.
"Well,I am going to be walking alongside you after all.I had to put in some effort to look as good as you." I said.
"You could go to this gala in your sweats,and you'd still outshine me."he countered.
I playfully rolled my eyes.
"You always have to have the last say,don't you." I said sarcastically.
"But of course!"he replied.
"Are you ready?" He questioned.
I shook my head.
"I still have to put on my shoes and do the finishing touches to my makeup."
"Take your time,we still have about 40 minutes before we have to leave.Traffic might be hectic so we should take about twenty minutes to get there." He said.
I nodded and headed back to my room.Hyunjin followed behind me.
I sat down on my bed and reached down to put on my heels.
"Nah-uh,I've got this." He said before kneeling down in front of me.He gracefully slipped the shoe onto my foot.
"Only princess treatment for you." He said before placing a kiss on my forehand.
I blushed.
"I truly am the luckiest girl in the world,aren't I?" I said.
"No I'm just the luckiest man,that's all."he said getting up.
I smiled.
I really lucked out with this one.He's perfect in every way imaginable.
I made my way to my dressing table and sat down at the chair.I looked into the mirror that reflected my bed and I saw Hyunjin staring at me with a slight smile.He seemed to be a bit zoned out.He only noticed me staring back at him a couple seconds later.
When he saw me watching him,his cheeks grew rosy and he quickly averted his gaze to the ceiling.
I laughed.
"Are you getting all shy?" I teased.
"What-no." He said whimsically rolling his eyes.
"I was just admiring you,that's all.I still can't get over the fact that you are my fiancé." He admitted continuing to watch me through the reflection.
"I love you." I said.
"I love you more." He countered once again.
I squinted my eyes at him.Always having to have the last say.I liked that about him.

I reached for my highlighter and gently brushed some onto my cheeks and nose.I then grabbed my bottle of setting spray and sprayed it on my face.It was strawberry scented.My favorite.
I then grabbed my perfume and sprayed some on my wrists and neck.
I got up from dresser.
"Okay I'm done." I said.
I took one last glimpse of myself in the mirror and was happy with the final look.
Hyunjin stood beside me and offered me his arm.
"Shall we malady?" He said in a preppy tone.
I laughed and intertwined my arm with his.
We were now on our way to the gala and boy oh boy were the nerves kicking in.This was my first ever formal event and I had no idea what to expect.

I guess Hyunjin could tell I was a bit on edge because he placed his hand my thigh giving it a little squeeze while his eyes stared ahead onto the road.

"Don't worry.Just smile and remember that I'm always with you." He said.

His words really comforted me.He could always read the room pretty well and always knew just what to say.

"And don't forget to breathe."he added.
Right.I've got this!
All I have to do I greet everyone.Not fall over my own feet and not make a complete fool out of myself in front of everyone.

Besides I wouldn't be the only non-celebrity there.My coworker Siyeon would also be there.She's pretty cool.We became pretty good pals after working together on set so if anything,we both relate to the "feeling out of place" part.

Rosé and Taehyung would also be there so there was really no need to worry.All I have to do is think of everyone else as just ordinary people instead of seeing them as superior to me.
We neared the plaza and I felt a lot calmer than I was before.
We headed to the underground parking lot in order to make our entrance as secretive as possible since we still had to keep our relationship a secret from the general public.
We parked the car and Hyunjin climbed out first to open my door for me.
I climbed out and took a hold of Hyunjins hand.
"Gosh,this place is beautiful." I said.
We headed into the building and walked a bit before getting into the main hall where the gala was being hosted.
Before entering through the door Hyunjin turned to me.
"You ready?" He asked smiling at me.
"I am." I responded.
He smiled and placed a kiss on my cheek.
"Good,now let's give them a entrance to remember." He said taking my hand in his.
With that we walked through the doors and all eyes fell on us.
News of us dating had spread fast throughout the company but many still couldn't believe it.That's probably why so many people seemed so invested in our entrance.
"Let the night begin." Whispered Hyunjin to me as we walked hand in hand further into the hall.

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