Officially oficial

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A few days have flown by meaning it was time for me to get back to work on coming up with outfits for the members because they have a comeback scheduled in the next month and a half.
This comebacks concept was more of a punk aesthetic and luckily for me I knew just what to do.
I decided to take a lot of inspiration from Ai Yazawas anime,Nana.It was my all time favorite so getting to recreate looks similar to Nana was a dream come true.
Of course this was a completely new concept to me as I've never styled anyone else in that aesthetic but I believe I can pull it off.

I headed towards the dressing room as I needed to measure each and every member individually to ensure I don't mess up the outfits by getting them something that simple just isn't comfortable and doesn't fit them the way it's supposed to.I think we can all agree that K-pop idols deserve to be comfortable in their clothes while still looking good.
All the members say around waiting for their turns and once I was done measuring the one,the other would have their measurements taken.
I was almost done taking the measurements when I got to Tae.
"Hey." I whispered with a smile.
"Hey."he replied as he stood up straight so that I could measure him.
I haven't seen him since the day he left my house after the movie but we've been talking,mostly just small talk like about what we were doing at the moment and so forth.
Once I was done with him he gave me a sweet smile and left the room.
I looked up to see who was next and before I could even process anything Yeonjun was standing right in front of me with a smirk on his face.
"Hey y/n,long time no see." He said lifting his arms to the side so that I could measure them.
"Hi Yeonjun." I said focusing on the measuring tape in my hands.
" 56Cm." I whisper under my breath as I jot it down onto my notebook.
"Okay I'm done,you may leave." I tell him not paying him any attention.
"You know y/n,we should hang out sometime,in fact it could even be a date."he says.
"Thanks Yeonjun but I really can't,I'm with Hyunjin now and I'm also at work so please don't discuss private matters here." I say dismissing him.
He grabs my arm.
"Oh come on y/n,just one date.It's no big deal,I don't even think Hyunjin will care." He says smirking.
"I said no,now please leave."
"You can't actually be serious.Hyunjin?Really?He won't last and you know that." He says rolling his eyes.
I looked down to the ground.I knew that Hyunjin had some issues but he said he's changed.He wouldn't lie to me right.
"Yeonjun,you're wasting your time.She told you to leave so scram." I look up to see Hyunjin standing at the door.He looks furious.He makes his way to where we were standing and looks at Yeonjuns hand grabbing my arm.His jaw clenches as he grabs Yeonjuns hand off of me.
He turns to Yeonjun.
"And what do you know?You don't know about my feelings towards y/n so shut it" He says.
He takes my hand and pulls me out of the room leading me down the corridor.I follow him clueless about where he's taking me.
At last,we stop outside one of the dance practice rooms.I've never actually been inside one.Hyunjin takes out a key from his pocket and unlocks the door.
"After you madam."he says opening the door for me.
I enter and see the big mirror that they use.The room is surprisingly quite big.Every footstep echos throughout the room.
"You like it?" Hyunjin asks after locking the door and following me in.
"Yeah,it's bigger than I thought." I say.
"I'm glad,so should I show you some moves?" He asks raising an eyebrow.
I laugh.
"Do you even have to ask?"
He hugs me and then goes to put on some music.
Fever by Enhypen starts playing.
I watch Hyunjin move his body to the music.He was so free,he looked so passionate when he danced,like he had no worry in the world.The song had finished and now A thousand years by Christina Perri started playing.
I see him stop dancing,he started making his way to me with a smirk on his lips.
"No,no,no Hyunjin I can't dance." I say as I figure out what he was planning.
"I'll guide you."he says taking my hand.
He leads me to the center of the room and pulls me closer to him.He takes my arms and places it on his neck then he pulls me in closer and places his hands on my waist.He guides me and tells me when and where to move my feet and eventually I get the hang of it.We are completely synchronized like two bodies connected with each other.
The song comes to an end and Hyunjin pulls me in for a hug.We stood there for a little bit as I took in his scent.We were so close right now.I liked this feeling,I felt safe and loved.I felt like Hyunjin actually really cared for me.Of course there was still this lingering question.

"Hyunjin...what are we?" I finally ask as I hold my breath waiting for him to respond.
"I want us to be together."he says looking down to me.
"Really?" I ask.
"Yes,I want to give us a shot.I feel like we could be good together you know." He says smiling,taking my hand in his
I smile.
"I was hoping you'd say that."I say as I lean in for a kiss.His lips meet mine.Soft and gentle,the kiss was magical.He was magical.
We finally break the kiss.
"You know you're going to need to tell Taehyung now,right?" He says.
My eyes grew big.This was going to be hard.Where do I even start?Should I do it over text.No that's a dick move,I'll probably set up a day in the week when we're both not busy to tell him.
"I'll tell him on Friday." I say hugging Hyunjin again.
We were a couple and I was happy.There was no point in hiding it.Taehyung wants me to be happy even if it's with Hyunjin.
He kisses my forehead.

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