Chapter 11: Lies.

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Hibiki sat up, the only light being that of his dim alarm clock. He looked to his side at his old duel disc, where he saw Rags asleep. Carefully, he grabbed his laptop and new disc and walked silently into the main room of the ship.

Spectre: And what are you doing?

Hibiki froze at the sound of the Hanoi but sighed and turned around.

Hibiki: Somethings been keeping me awake. So I work on my deck until in tired again, it's an old habit of mine.

Spectre: Well, sit down, let's talk.

Hibiki nodded and sat at the table with the teen and took out his laptop.

Spectre: What's on your mind Hibiki?

Hibiki: This.

He spun the computer around, its screen displaying Judgement Arrows and its code.

Hibiki: That Haru boy left it behind after our duel, and I don't think it was an accident.

Spectre: A Judgement Arrows card?

Hibiki: No, but just enough of the basic data to create a copy. So I was doing some design myself.

Spectre: And made your own link spell.

Hibiki: The prototype. So do me a favour and don't tell Rags. He disapproves when I used the guardragon cards you gave me and I don't want him yelling at me for this.

Spectre: I see. You have my word that I won't.

Hibiki: Spectre, have you ever thought of finding your own ignis partner?

Spectre: No. I am loyal only to Master Ryoken, so having someone else dividing my mind would only be a detriment.

Hibiki: I see. It's just, I don't want Rags being alone because I chose this path. He gets along with Ai and I don't know about Soulburner and his ignis.

Spectre: And what about you? I know you must have left people for this cause.

Hibiki: Well, I was meant to go on my second date with Aoi on Saturday. Now I'll have to cancel.

Spectre: Not necessarily. I'm sure you can come up with a cover story.

Hibiki: I could, but I don't want to lie to her.

As if to prove his point, Hibiki's phone vibrated as Aoi called and the boy picked up.

Hibiki: Hmm? Aoi? Do you know what time it is?

Aoi: I know, sorry.

Hibiki: So, what are you calling about?

Aoi: Well, Emma picked up your signature in the restricted area. Mind telling me what you were doing there?

Hibiki: Ah, busted. I got a message from one of the two who took Jin, they wanted to duel but they escaped before I could question them.

Aoi: Oh, well... I'm sorry Hibiki, I know you'll find them.

Hibiki: Thanks Aoi.

The girl hung up with a goodbye that Hibiki returned and he laid the phone down.

Spectre: So, are you going to tell her?

Hibiki: I don't see how I can't. If I don't and she finds out she'll probably hate me. If I tell her, she probably will as well, but I'll feel better about it.

Spectre: I see.

Hibiki: Spectre, there's something I want to work on with you. And I need it to be you.

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