Chapter 13: Aqua.

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Aoi and Hibiki walked into the girl's apartment and Aoi opened her room, heading to the bed.

Aoi: Right, let's go.

Hibiki: Sure. I'll take the bean bag.

The two sat on their respective places and placed their duel discs on.

Aoi/Hibiki: Into the vrains.

As Hibiki and Aoi dropped, Hibiki looked over at the girl and smiled.

Hibiki: Nice avatar, it's a good change.

Aoi: Speak for yourself, white actually suits you.

Hibiki looked down and shrugged.

Hibiki: I don't know about that, though the Hanoi outfit does work.

Hibiki closed his eyes.

Hibiki: Rags, you know what to do.

Rags: You got it.

Hibiki's outfit changed colours, becoming a slate gray with purple accents.

Hibiki: That's much better.

Aoi: So, where does this ignis want to meet?

Hibiki: Around here, so I assume Rags should be able to find them.

Rags: Of course, locating ignis code strains is easy. It's up there, like a portal.

Hibiki: I see it.

The three flew up to the entrance and Hibiki closed his eyes as they entered, arriving in a small area that was surrounded by waterfalls.

Aoi: So this is where the ignis is hiding out?

Rags: Yeah, I can sense they're in here.

Hibiki: Yeah, I'm getting a strange feeling from this place. Like when I met you for the first time Rags.

Water Ignis: Aoi Zaizen and Hibiki Okida, thank you for coming.

The blue AI walked into view and Hibiki raised an eyebrow.

Hibiki: A female ignis? I guess this is Miyu's partner.

Aoi: It would seem that way.

Hibiki: Hmm, you've been rather quiet there partner, you alright?

Hibiki looked down at Rags and almost laughed out loud as he saw his partner's face. All over Rags' face, pixels had turned a vivid pink in what Hibiki assumed was his version of a heavy blush.

Hibiki: Erm, Rags? You doing okay?

Rags: H-huh? Oh, partner, yeah. I'm fine, why?

Hibiki: It's just, you seem to be a little pink. You didn't get a bug on the way here or...

Rags: Don't finish that thought.

Hibiki smiled to himself and walked over to Aoi, who was talking to the ignis.

Water Ignis: So that's why I called you here. I need your help defeating Bohman to get back Miyu's data.

Hibiki: Well, you have my support. I have a bone to pick with him as well.

Water Ignis: Thank you both. And you too Ignis.

Rags: Oh, it's nothing major. I'm just happy to be of help.

Hibiki: Don't mind Rags, he gets nervous around vaguely female pieces of code.

Rags: Hibiki I swear...

Hibiki: Oh, that reminds me. We were never properly introduced. I'm Hibiki Okida, that's my ignis companion Rags.

Water Ignis: It's nice to meet you. I suppose I should choose a name you humans pronounce, rather than my ignis one. I'm Aqua.

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