Chapter 12: Amy's feelings

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I really can't believe it. I finally get to reunite with my Uncle Chuck, but I couldn't reach out to him in his robotic form state. 

Was it really too late to save all of Mobious from Dr. Eggman's grasp? As I was trying to settle down, I felt an hand touching my shoulder. 

It was Amy. She notices how stress I was feeling. "Are you feeling ok, Sonic? You seemed a little tensed up ever since you came back with Manic and the others." 

"Amy, i think it's because of the Counsel of four. The Prophesy seems so to be so real, it really..." 

She gets annoyed at my feeling of doubt. 

"Sonic the Hedgehog! Get those thoughts out of that stupid head!" She grabs me immediately by the waist. 

Then unexpectedly, she get the guts to actually kissed me on the lips! "Hey, what is up..." Manic said, but his eyes seems to be shocked and awe. 


I couldn't help it. I wanted to confirm to Sonic that I always liked him for a long time, and willing to help him anyway I could to bring back the glorious return to the rightful ruler of Mobious, and even though that he is a royal, I really don't care about his status. 

To me, Sonic is the one who would risk anything he wants to, even though sometimes he gets emotional and self-centered sometimes. 

I didn't even pay any attention to anything of who was watching us kiss, I needed this out of my comfort zone once and for all. 

As I let go of the sudden reaction, all Sonic could do was being shocked and full of amazement and not spoken a word. 

I couldn't stop thinking of the rush as I run back to my room and close the door behind me. I screamed into my pillow, "Oh, gods, what I just do?!? Ooh, Sonic is going to be so embarrassed now! 

Stupid move, Amy!" 

"Amy?" Cosmic asked, "Are you ok, what happened?" 


It took a lot of time, but I managed to change all the robotic slaves that Dr. Eggman had turn, which included Pharaoh and Lady Windermere. 

They were stunned when I revealed the origin of Sonia and Manic . Pharaoh said, "Who would've thought that Sonia and Manic had a brother and the fact that they were prophesied to save Mobious . " 

Lady Windermere said, sighing, "I kind of wished that we've known all about this sooner. My poor daughter had been super shocked to learn about this." 

I said, "Well, it couldn't be helped. I am still processing all of this myself. I've known Sonic for ages, but he never revealed any of this to me or the others apparently. 

I really hope that Sonic wouldn't be too mad at me for pretending to be in Dr. Eggman's side in order to sneak a rebellion within." 

Uncle Chuck smiled, "I'm sure that Sonic Underground would eventually understand. Besides, this would be a good thing for the Freedom Fighters in the long run." 

"I hope so. I do wonder what is happening right now as we speak, I mean I hope that they have a plan to get back at Dr. Eggman." 


Did I just witness Sonic and Amy kissed?!? Sonic seems to be flabbergasted with just happened as that I tap my older brother's shoulder. 

"Hey, Sonic, what just happened back there?" I asked him as the blue hedgehog simply said, "I ... think I just got my first kiss?

Why didn't Amy just tell me now?"

"Girls are completely a mystery. Does Amy always a thing for you?"

Sonic thought a lot, mostly of his adventures he had before meeting Sonia and me. 

"I think she does. I always ditch her because I thought her attitude towards me was a bit overwhelming all the time.

Now, with being in Mobious, things have changed. I just didn't want things to go overboard with everyone being intense . " 

I nod, concurring, "Yeah. With Dr. Eggman being still on the loose, honestly, keeping everyone safe isn't easy as we thought it would be. " 

Sonic said, "I think I needed to talk to Mom about Amy. She is the only person I could rely on talking about girls. " 

He used his speed as fast he can as I grabbed hold of something while he speeds. 

"Sometimes, Sonic may be an oddball, but at least he's a little well-minded about his true feelings at least." I muttered. 

As I walk through the main hallway, I spotted Felix and Mindy. "Manic, is something on your mind?" Mindy asked. 

I rubbed my head, looking at the couple. Even though they're Sonic's adoptive parents, I think it's best I rely on them on this. 

"Yeah, do you have a moment to spare?" I asked them.

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