Chapter 15: The Prophecy unfolds now

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I looked at the freighting image of my brother. The darkness was consuming him as that his dark menching smile smirks at Dr. Eggman. 

"You'll pay for what you done to Chris!" He demanded, as he unleashed his gutair blasts uncontrollably as that Manic pushes me to the side! 

"Are you ok, sis?" He asked as I nod at the green hedgehog's concern expression. "What's the deal with Sonic?

I never seen him act like this before." 

Tails who was trembling before has calmed his nerves as he turns towards us, giving the fox a serious tone voice, "This happened before. Way before you guys ever met him. That is Dark Sonic. 

He's unstable version of himself, that darkness only comes out when he gets extreme upset, or that someone close gets hurt, that is the side of Sonic that you'll never come across paths with." 

"Oh, you're just mentioning this now, Tails?!? " Manic demanded, as that it was the first time that we've ever heard of this before. 

"S-Sorry!" He stutters as Cosmic said, "Never mind that. Our main concern is Dr. Eggman and Sonic. 

We have to fight them both simulantiously. " 

"Are you serious?!?" Sliver demanded. But then an unexpected surprise happen. 

"You fell into our trap, Eggman!" 


My plan worked as I originally planned to. I already alerted Uncle Chuck and the rest of our rebel team by making a signal watch for us earlier. 

"This time watch will set an signal for you to come forth. It'll give us the advantage we need to surprise Dr. Eggman in his tracks. I made them while he wasn't looking. " 

Ferrel said, "Well, that being the case, I can't wait to see the stunned look at that robotic face when he finds out!" 

As the group emerges, I jumped to join in at our friends' side. "W-What the-" Manic demanded, as I smiled at his curious, yet surprised expression. 

Ferrel yells, "Attack!" 

The slaved robotic citizens attacked the goons, as the Freedom Fighters were completely stunned of the revelation that I was actually a spy all along. 

"Chris, we thought that you were mind -controlled! Why you didn't tell us that-" 

"That I was a spy for the resistance? Sorry for lying to all of you, but I knew that I have to contribute somehow. 

So, while you guys were fighting all of Dr. Eggman's goons, I simply did what you guys didn't got to do, free the inslaved robotic ciztens of Mobious from his control. 

Ferrel , Lady Windermere, and Uncle Chuck helped me out a lot for this to happen. I would've told you guys what I was up to, but I knew deep down you wanted me to not do my reckless and insane plan from the very beginning." I explained. 

I heard Sonia sigh, "Geez, you should've told us what you been up to lately. Pretending to be our enemy was pretty harsh and reckless thing to do. " 

I bow in apology, but Manic said, "Well, glad you being there for us, now I guess the Prophecy will come to fruition now, huh?"

That is when Queen Aleena came forth as she said, "Indeed. This is our true intentions are." 



Both of the royal siblings rushed over to the queen as Sonia said, "You shouldn't be here, I thought that you would be in the base, like Sonic wanted. " 

"Aside for that concern, I want to help my citizens. I am the queen, and we will form the Counsel of Four as prophecy foretold. 

I'll handle Sonic, all of you focus of the task at hand. All of Mobious-" 

"Is in our hands. Where we heard that before?" Manic said, groaning, as if he remembers the day the siblings met for the first time, and meeting the Oracle of Delphis as well. 

"It is true, everything that has happen is foretold. " An familiar voice said, as he appeared out of nowhere! 

"Yipes!" I exclaimed in shock, as Manic and Sonia rolled their eyes at the green oracle. "Great timing as usual.

You should've given us a little bit of a warning about your appearances like this, Oracle." Sonia exclaimed. 

The Oracle waves his hands, "Sorry, sorry. I should've told you all, but surprises are quite remarkable aren't they?" 


As much I really wanted to see my adoptive father, the battle is our main focus. I really am quite relieved that he is not under Dr. Eggman's evil intentions now. 

As for Sonic, he was still his Dark Sonic mode, and he was really going out of control. "Mom, are you really going to confront Sonic in this state? What if he hurts you in the process?" 

"Honey, I'll be completely fine, don't worry about me or your brother at this state." She said, as I was worried about the both of them. 

"It's going to be just fine, Manic, you'll see." Bunny reassures me, as that the robotic rabbit looks at the battlefield. 

"All of the citizens are fighting for their freedom, and you are the prince of this kingdom, aren't you?

You will rule this kingdom wither you're prepared for it or not. " 

Her reasons make a lot of sense. In order for the Prophecy to be fulfilled, the Counsel of Four, we need to focus on saving our home.


It had been in much turmoil because of Dr. Eggman's evil deeds. This fight is going to be the biggest, toughest challenge the Sonic Underground have fought before.

"Thanks, Bunny, I needed that pep talk." I said, as the rabbit smacks me on the back, "No problem. 

Now that is out of your system... are you ready to fight?"'

I glanced around the Freedom Fighters as they were smiling as if they were eager to fight. 

I took a deep breath, as I rubbed my medallion, as the green spark of light came out and the drums came out. 

Sonia rubbed hers as well, as her keyboard piano was ready for some action. "Let's do it to it!" I demanded as we head for Dr. Eggman and his entire robotic army. 

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